Just a forewarning, you'll find no rehab here. We're all either addicted ourselves or at the very least enablers. Though I must say I'm impressed (and thankful) that our dealers work out in the open. It makes things easier, but how do you handle the Law BW?Nevermore wrote:I need it!!! Okay is not a drug or something else, but the B1 was really addictive and i can't wait for Book 2.![]()
Unclever title wrote:Just a forewarning, you'll find no rehab here. We're all either addicted ourselves or at the very least enablers. Though I must say I'm impressed (and thankful) that our dealers work out in the open. It makes things easier, but how do you handle the Law BW?Nevermore wrote:I need it!!! Okay is not a drug or something else, but the B1 was really addictive and i can't wait for Book 2.![]()
Shhhh. Don't bother him. He's coding. Let him code, man. I need my fix. I'm like getting shaky, dude. Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, code a game for me.Rune_74 wrote:I haven't prodded basilisk in awhile....you awake dude?
Why is it that when I read that I immediately thought of the classical quandry of which fork (when there are many fancy ones) to eat with first?Dragonlady wrote:The wait is almost as bad as deciding which donut to eat first,
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 2/3rds done? Forshadowing screenshots, teasers, AND beta testing? A couple of months? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!Basilisk Wrangler wrote:A tiny, mini update:
I read that the wrong way and was about to to to...... that is what the global recission is doing to you.... fortunately I went on reading instead of trashing my computer and jumping around in anger.A tiny, mini update: Basilisk Games was pretty much shut down...