New Basilisk Games Logo?

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Which do you prefer, the current logo or proposed logo?

I like the current logo.
I like the new logo.
Total votes: 34

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Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Post by Gamezalot »

I like the new logo. At first, the bar on the "A" was a little odd, but it gives the whole logo some... uh, "character". (Groan.) :wink:

I kinda miss the brighter red spine on the back of the basilisk (the lizard), but the red circle is a nice touch. I'm not sure about the highlights... maybe just a tad less visible would be good. Overall though, the whole logo is indeed more professional looking.

Good job!

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Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Post by dare49devil »

BasiliskWrangler wrote:We've been tossing around a few ideas for an updated logo for Basilisk Games. The current logo can been seen at the top of the page. The proposed new logo is below. The new logo has a crisp, more refined look and might represent us better if we decide to produce other types of RPGs after Eschalon, for example a sci-fi themed game.
-I voted for the newer one. However, small edits can make it a tad better, such lessen that flare/glow/whatever a LITTLE.

-I do miss the Lizard's glowing red eye..That was nice with the red spine. Though, with that red circular background, I am not sure what you were doing with that. I like the older Lizard better. =P

-But that is just a kid's opinion. Listen to the more educated. ^^