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Post by PaSquall »

Hi everyone !
I stumbled upon eschalon screenshots some weeks ago, but only found time today to visit the website and forums. The game and interface look fantastic !
Keep on the good work guys !
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Post by BasiliskWrangler »

Welcome PaSquall!
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Post by BlackLotus »

I just discovered Eschalon - Book1 on the Codex, and let me tell you : count me for in for that adventure please :)

Good CRPG games (not some crappy 3D NetHack clones) have been hard to come by lately. Looking forwards to playing the game as soon as it is out (along with Age of Decadence, and the Witcher).

PS : How mature will this game be ? I am not necessarily talking about sexual connotations or heaps of bloody gore, more like finding hints at "adult" psychology when initiating a dialog or dealing with adult NPCs, emotions, verbal violence, cynism, passion, second-degree humor, betrayals, etc., anything more evolved than that usual merchant or fedex-quest-giving NPC actually.
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Post by BasiliskWrangler »

Welcome to The Pub BlackLotus!

Based on the software ratings here, I think Eschalon (as a whole) would probably get a Teen rating, although there are some situations within the game that would get a Mature rating if examined on their own. [edit] ...and yes, it is more along the themes that you have suggested above.
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Post by Fleisch »

Thanks for the link to the ESRB ratings -- most interesting, I would never have thought to characterize content in some of these ways. I hope there will be "comic mischief". :lol: Perhaps in a later game.

The content descriptor that still gets me is the warning in movie previews that a trailer (or movie) may contain "thematic elements". I don't know what that's a codeword for. I refuse to look it up. I prefer just to think that the ratings people fear we may be frightened by the fact that a movie has a theme (or elements of one). :roll:
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Post by Fleisch »

Just wanted to offer a welcome to all those new to the boards. I'm happy whenever I see new users join the forums. I really want this game to succeed, because I want there to be more games like this!

I even bought a PSP a few months ago because I thought perhaps turn-based RPGs were doomed to be relegated to handhelds. I haven't actually found anything particularly to my taste on PSP yet. Was looking forward to the D&D game coming out -- D&D Tactics, scheduled for July, but I see it has been postponed, and I am desperate for an old-school RPG fix, so I haunt these boards all the time. :)

Just tried a demo of the PC game Gods from a Slovakian developer, which advertised turn-based combat, but unfortunately I never even got to the combat, because the 1st person movement made me motion sick after just a few minutes.
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Post by Gallifrey »

Fleisch wrote:Just wanted to offer a welcome to all those new to the boards. I'm happy whenever I see new users join the forums. I really want this game to succeed, because I want there to be more games like this!
Agreed! Always great to see new people coming through, and I'm actually quite amazed at the interest Eschalon (and other indie RPGs) are generating these days. That can only be a good sign!
I even bought a PSP a few months ago because I thought perhaps turn-based RPGs were doomed to be relegated to handhelds. I haven't actually found anything particularly to my taste on PSP yet. Was looking forward to the D&D game coming out -- D&D Tactics, scheduled for July, but I see it has been postponed, and I am desperate for an old-school RPG fix, so I haunt these boards all the time. :)
Have you looked at the Nintendo DS? It's not as graphically advanced at the PSP but I find it has a much more appealing catalogue of turn-based RPGs and strategy games. I've decided I want to buy a handheld this year, so I've been looking at the catalogue of games available for the various systems, and to me the DS offers more.
But for the PSP there is D&D Tactics, and Warhammer 40K: Squad Commander is coming out as well (also on the DS), which is a turn-based 40K game.
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Hi all

Post by RezoApio »

I have just found about you a week after the beta application :(

I am not sure if you are a blessing (I will at last find an interesting *REAL* CRPG like when I was still young) or a real bad curse (cannot stop to come bak to the site to know more and more and be able to get to be part of the lucky few to see it in advance)

I will work my way thru the forum, pieces of information and the like and if you need translation team for french or spanish.... well contact me I would be proud to have helped even just a little in what looks like THE game I have been waiting for a long time now...

Ok Diablo, and NWN are quite nice, Morrowind and Oblivion have very nice points... but they do not match vs the good old ultima series (before the Online experience)

So please continue to work hard and feed us with info...

Talk to you soon.

PS: Can you comment some more on the sentence I have read in one interview "You could even go thru the game without killing anybody" ?
Could that be really true ?
Also even if I understand the necesity of the scenario to have only one character, I find it a little hard not to be able to be a woman.... Any comment (or link to some post here ?)
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Post by BasiliskWrangler »

Well, that is not entirely true. There are few cases in the game where a creature must die in order for you to get something you need. But there are many ways you can kill a creature that do not require direct confrontation with well honed weapon skills.

It would take a LOT of patience and strategy, but basically you could make it through the game and only have to be involved in a few confrontations.

One of our testers has made a "super rogue" to test this idea and has gotten pretty far, but he sometimes makes the mistake of venturing out in the daylight and gets seen by creatures, often resulting in his death (may he rest in peace). But he does pretty well under the veil of darkness and has confirmed that combat doesn't have to be the focus of your game.
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Post by Nomander »

Hello folks!

Ive already posted once in another topic, just thought I would pop in and say keep up the good work to the people at Basilisk Games. You really are our last hope in the gaming industry and I wish you all the luck and success with your titles.

I am an old gamer who watched computers and computer games come into consumer existence. I am also an old fan of the Pen and Paper RPG systems as well.

I have always fretted in the past of the "Entertainment Industry (tm)" getting its hands on the gaming market and now it seems my nightmares have come true. Games these days have suffered the same fate as the music, TV and movie industry. It has become more about fad and less about quality vision. So I must say I am heartened to see folks like you keeping the dream alive.

We are hitting rock bottom in the industry. Thats good though as I already see a lot of independent games being developed that are bringing back the magic. In time, I am sure technology will reach a stage where the independent studios will even be able to compete with the main industry in all the "fluff" as well. The advantage being that you will be providing "content" all the while and it will only serve to show how inept much of the industry has become.

I almost signed up for beta (Ive done beta testing for many games in the past), but I am being a bit selfish as it has been a long while since I have been able to sink my teeth into a game from a pure player perspective and experience it at its fullest. I look forward to the release and again, I can't thank you enough for your hard work!
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Post by Ricochet64 »

Well after 3rd email was finally able to register :D anyway been following this game for about a year and am looking forward to purchasing tommorrow ..Great Job from everything ive seen so far .. Good Luck tommorrow... Keep Safe Friends..Rico
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Post by Dragonlady »

Welcome aboard. If you have any questions in the next few days don't be surprised if they don't get answered right away. :lol: We'll all be too busy playing Escalon: Book1 !!! :D
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Post by Piftuka »

Greetings to everyone!

I just registered here. :)

I've been waiting for this game for a long time (since i've seen the first screenshots, and have heard the news about this "old style RPG"), and now i'm happy it is released. 8)

Congratulations to the developers!

It's nice there are still some enthusiastic people who are searching the real intrinsic value in a PC game.

Thank you guys! Good luck to your future plans! Keep up the good work!

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Post by getter77 »

Finally decided to make a user account here too.

Hey all....not a buyer quite yet of Eschalon...but am a fan of the direction and good RPG gaming in general. Already spread the word in another place or so based on my enjoyment of the original demo.
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Post by Onyx »

Hi everybody!

OK I confess I've played my EB1 character to the 9th level and I used a not-so-legal trial version of this great game :oops: ... darn, it's so immersive I almost forgot to pay for it. That was the bad news, here's the good news... first: to the developers - you got your money today (feel free to verify, and check my accounts' email addy); 2nd: Yeah, EB1 kicks @ss. Years ago I played Ultima 6 and the real world around me literally ceased to exist. Same phenomenon here - what a "dangerous" game hahah :D I wanted to play a rogue but had some problems at the beginning so my rogue developed into a fighter type character. Now that I know what's going on I'll replay the game as an archer or mage. Which brings us to 3rd: the replay value of EB1. It's gonna be good fun to play EB1 again w/ a different character. 4th: Thank you for (obviously) not including a copy protection and thus investing all the budget into game development. 5th: There will be successors to this game 8)
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