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An old game in the 90's...

Posted: May 17th, 2009, 4:25 pm
by dare49devil
I think, having read alot of threads and such around here...I'm almost a youngin? 18 here...Anyway...When I was younger back in the day..There was a game for Mac that I played and LOVED, but it only was a demo, but I played for 20+ hours on that damn thing. Hehe...The game was called something like...Task Master? Taskmaster? Something of that sort...It is a CRPG...I'm pretty sure, turn based, etc. etc. Uhh, yea..Does anyone know what I am recalling? (btw I am new here, obviously by post count, I tried the demo to this game because I felt the aching of taskmaster in my memory and searched RPG on steam and found ESCHALON!!!)

Re: An old game in the 90's...

Posted: May 18th, 2009, 8:03 am
by getter77
Yep... ... er#Sequels

I believe there's some links out there for them somewhere...can't recall where though.

Re: An old game in the 90's...

Posted: May 18th, 2009, 10:06 am
by dare49devil
OH MY GOODNESS. There is is, unfortunately my mac is long gone.. hmm. =/

Thanks man, I just spent like a few hours reading about it. Ah the memories. Has anyone actually played it?

Re: An old game in the 90's...

Posted: August 30th, 2015, 8:09 am
by shunkaha
i remember that game, we had it on the computers at school in a program called 500 mac games, one of the others was escape velocity.

Re: An old game in the 90's...

Posted: August 31st, 2015, 12:07 pm
by vdweller
Heh, this reminds me of Yoda Stories for Windows.

When we were young, many games looked like, you know, something more than what they will look if we play them again. I guess modern 8D games with 1053452524356 on-screen polygons contribute to this effect.