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How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 10:14 am
by MyGameCompany
I need a hint. I'm sure this question has been asked a hundred times, but I searched and still couldn't find a suitable answer.

I've got an unidentified sword that I found in this house in a locked chest. I've also got a big green gem that I found in the bee cave that is unidentified. I'm playing as a fighter and can't read scrolls (got a pretty low wisdom score). When I leveled up, I took the Lore skill. But the items still show as unidentified in my inventory. Left-clicking and right-clicking on the items does nothing but pick them up. How do I use the Lore skill to identify these items?

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 10:18 am
by Kreador Freeaxe
When your Lore is high enough (depends on the item), it will be automatically identified in your inventory. You can also pay vendors to identify items (at a cost of about half of the item's value), or eventually you may find (randomly or in a shop) a Loremaster's Ring, which will pretty much let you identify anything (+6 Lore).

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 11:21 am
by MyGameCompany
Thanks! I was hoping there was a vendor somewhere that I could pay to identify the item for me.

Which vendors can identify items? So far, everyone I've visited in Aridell or Bordertown either say they're not interested in such merchandise or that they're not very interested in the item but they'll buy it from me for x gold coins.

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 11:41 am
by Kreador Freeaxe
Ah, sorry, you have to right-click on the unidentified item (option-click on a one-button Mac mouse, if I recall).

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 12:40 pm
by MyGameCompany
Ahh... ok. Thanks!

I thought I had tried that... but obviously not. The blacksmith in Blackwater just identified it for me! Sweet sword!!!

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 2:59 pm
by Dragonlady
Any item that can be sold, ie scrolls and potions or weapons/armor at those shops, they will also do identify at about half cost. You can chose Lore skill (not worth it in my opinion), Buy Divine skill and buy Lore scroll - read it and boost it up fairly high or as was said, find/buy Lore ring. Those items that are unidentified are so because you are too low a level and are most certainly high priced, very useable items. So hang on to them until you can id them yourself or pay storekeeper. Some times, as in the case of potions and spell ingredients you will see them for sale in shops. If you buy said item and combine it with unknown potion (stacking) it will id the unknown item and you don't have to pay/wait in that case. One of a kind items like weapons your out of luck with stacking choice.

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 3:03 pm
by MyGameCompany
Wow, some great tips. Thanks!

Re: How to identify items?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 8:59 am
by Painted Lady
One Lore ring will identify a fairly good share of the stuff you find. However, the most valuable items require either the Lore Spell at level 4 or two Lore rings.