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Crashes when exiting Central Tanglewood towards Blackwater

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 6:29 am
by EvilGenius
First, I'm really enjoying Eschalon. I've missed the old RPG games of yore and the fact that this runs on Linux without messing with WINE is a huge bonus.

I'm running on an i7 machine with 12 Gb of RAM. I've got a Radeon 5650 video card. All this is on a Linux Mint 10 distribution.

When I'm in the Central Tanglewood map and I exit the map to the west towards Blackwater, the game crashes. I've even gone around south and then west and then north again and it crashes that way too. I'd like to continue playing. Can anyone help me out here?



Re: Crashes when exiting Central Tanglewood towards Blackwat

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 7:27 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Can you send me a saved game that shows me this crash? Just .zip it up and send it to support AT basiliskgames DOT com

Re: Crashes when exiting Central Tanglewood towards Blackwat

Posted: April 29th, 2011, 7:50 am
by EvilGenius
I save to a Quick Save slot and then walk off the map to the west and then it crashes. You want the saved game right before it crashes? Sending it now.
