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Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 6:15 pm
by leshpar
I am glad to know that her journey is complete. I really hope to see a dedication to her in Book 3. May she have a wonderful next life.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 6:20 pm
by deathknight1728
BasiliskWrangler wrote:A few thoughts about Dragonlady: Her name was Diane, for those who didn't know. She joined the forums before the release of Book I and was here almost everyday, helping others and contributing in whatever way she could.

She would send me Christmas cards every year. Real, handmade cards, in the mail. It was always so nice to receive them in this age of electronic messaging.

She beta tested each game and was going to be at the top of the Book III beta tester group. She contributed creatively to each game and has a large contribution to Book III, which will all be revealed in time.

So rare it is to have a customer...a fan...a friend, like Diane. I will miss her.
Dragonlady was a sincere, wonderful person and we spoke quite a few times. I honestly can't say this has been a good few weeks. First I lose my golden retriever Annie and now this just had to happen. Baslisk Wrangler, I spoke with Dragonlady and she said that she was a big mage/priest fan when it came to your games. Maybe a good idea to preserve the memory would be to post a shrine of something in book 3 saying was-"Truly an agent of good and definitely one of the most powerful spell casters in the world of Eschalon". You don't have to do it but I think it would be really cool as from like you said-she gave so much to everyone.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 15th, 2013, 6:28 am
by Nevermore
I didn't know her very well, but she was a big part of the community and I join to the pain of everyone.

I agree with deathknight about a small recognition in Book III

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 15th, 2013, 10:22 pm
by deathknight1728
I think a small shrine next to a site in game would be cool. Dragonlady and me had a conversation when I asked her about fighters as she was offering advice. She told me she was more of a priest/mage/spellcaster fan so it might be cool for that.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 7:14 pm
by Evnissyen

My god... I don't know what to think, or feel, now.

I've been gone three weeks and... well, this.


Well, she was a great person and friend of everyone. :cry:

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 9:48 am
by sirdilznik
This is really sad. I knew she was in poor health, but I always hoped she had a lot longer left. My condolences. She will be sorely missed here, though, I'm sure, not nearly as much as she will be missed my her family.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 1:19 pm
by Quaan
That is really sad news, just returned from holidays and now this.
My condolences go out to John and the Family.
I guess the Dragon has won this time, but i hope Dragonlady,where ever she might be, gets all the chocolate she needs.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 2:19 pm
by Lhoric
John, my condolence on the passing of your mother.
No one loves you like your mom.

She was a big part of the Eschalon community. I got to know her while testing Book II and her presence will be sorely missed. I know she's with us in spirit and I look forward to discovering a shrine or similar dedicated to her in Book III.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: June 26th, 2013, 7:59 am
by deathknight1728
Quaan wrote:That is really sad news, just returned from holidays and now this.
My condolences go out to John and the Family.
I guess the Dragon has won this time, but i hope Dragonlady,where ever she might be, gets all the chocolate she needs.
Sometimes the dragon wins, but as stated before good almost always triumphs over evil. Ive been looking at loss these past couple of weeks and it occurred to me that all of the people passing were relatively young for the most part. It then occurred that the reason they passed (in my opinion) was because they had already done everything right. Whereas the mean-spirited and nasty people live longer because "most of the time" they are given all these 2nd chances. It doesn't always happen but it definitely makes sense when you see good people pass at young age.

The likely reasoning behind it is that these people already did everything right. That's something I can understand and in a way-something that makes sense.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 3:42 pm
by Sslaxx
Damn. That's all I can say. I'm not around here as much as I have been, but I still pay attention now and then. Sad news indeed.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 9:27 pm
by Farwalker
Wow. I've only touched base here at the Pub occasionally the last couple years, during the wait for Book 3.

And I missed this. The dedication at the end of the game was the first I heard. Thanks for that Thomas.

So many fond memories of her... she was a rich blessing.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 11:49 pm
by blatherbeard

I definitely miss the voice of dragonlady for sure. I havent finished the game, but im glad to hear theres a "shoutout" to her for sure.

she is missed more than she will ever know.

One of my favorite posters, for sure.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 1:39 am
by realmzmaster
I had been away from the forums for a while dealing with real life issues. I saw that Book III was coming out on Feb. 14. I raced to the website and it was down. I bought the game from GOG.

The website came back up so I lodged in to see what the Dragonlady had to say. I did not see any posts. Today, I ran across this post.

I send my belated condolences to the family.

It reminds us all of our mortality and that we need to enjoy each other while we are here.
I doff my cap and kneel in respect.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 1:00 pm
by KillingMoon
She is sadly missed. I only knew her as a poster on this forum, which means I didn't know her well at all, but it was very easy to like and respect her.

Rêst sêft, Dragonlady.

Re: RIP Dragonlady

Posted: February 26th, 2014, 12:45 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
Prismatic Maelstrom wrote:
BasiliskWrangler wrote:She contributed creatively to each game and has a large contribution to Book III, which will all be revealed in time.
Was it the dialogue for Crazy Bernard or Karamiklan?
Karamiklan - she played a character years ago in a pen-and-paper RPG that had the ability to morph into a dragon. That was her dragon's name.