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A list of digital insects encountered in Eschalon.

Posted: December 16th, 2007, 4:37 pm
by Unkillable Cat
Hi there. I'm one of the lurkers who's been watching the development of EB1 for quite some time, and I was not disappointed by the demo, so I bought the full game. And I'm having a blast.

Inevitably, my playing of the game has led me to notice a few bugs, quirks and other things that I think should be brought to the attention of the developers.

# In the Northern Parish map, Leurik the cryptkeeper only has 1 response available if you "purchase" the Crypt Key from him. When I tried to buy the key, the message window told me that I did not have enough gold (and was not given the key) but Leurik's dialogue suggested that I had, which was confusing to say the least.

Suggested fix: Either change Leurik's response so that it can apply to both results (getting or not getting the key), or create a new response specifically for him to say when you fail to buy the key.

# In the Bordertown, there is an old man (forgot his name) that stands by the shore and has a quest for you. If you have completed this quest before ever meeting this man, you can immediately choose a dialogue option that states that you have completed the quest!

Suggested fix: Have the old man offer us the quest first before we can report the quest being completed.

# There are two places I have noticed where you can walk through narrow, 1-grid wide paths through the trees that lead you off the current map and onto the adjacent map. However, you cannot go back the way you came to return to the map you were on. The two locations I've discovered are in South Parish, just a few squares west of the westernmost exit to the Salted Coast (East), and in the Salted Coast (East), about 10 squares or so north of the exit to Salted Coast (West). Fortunately, you can use Quick Travel to escape.

(If you want exact co-ordinates, I can provide them once I've figured out the X/Y dimensions of each map.)

Suggested fix: Either open up the closed passages, or close the open passages. Whatever works the best.

That's it for now, Hope this helps. I'll post again when I find more bugs.

Re: A list of digital insects encountered in Eschalon.

Posted: December 16th, 2007, 8:03 pm
by Josia
Unkillable Cat wrote:(If you want exact co-ordinates, I can provide them once I've figured out the X/Y dimensions of each map.)
You can hit 'tab' to get the coordinates of your current position. Additionally, make sure you're using the most up-to-date patch, as many of these map border issues have already been fixed.

Re: A list of digital insects encountered in Eschalon.

Posted: December 17th, 2007, 1:01 am
by leonhartt
Unkillable Cat wrote:
# In the Bordertown, there is an old man (forgot his name) that stands by the shore and has a quest for you. If you have completed this quest before ever meeting this man, you can immediately choose a dialogue option that states that you have completed the quest!

Suggested fix: Have the old man offer us the quest first before we can report the quest being completed.
Actually there are other quests that have this minor 'glitch' too, whereby the player can immediately 'complete' the quest without even being given the quest if he had the correct quest item in his inventory already.

Posted: December 17th, 2007, 5:35 pm
by kwokkie
I'll just borrow this topic to report some bugs I found:

After quick-traveling from Aridell to Grimmhold-east, I rested at the entrance of Grimmhold, which resulted by an ambush by a group of goblins. Pressing tab not only revealed the goblins, but also Abygale and Garret from Aridell:
They were'nt realy there though; they vanished when I released the tab key:

In the following screenshot, I destroyed a poltergeist at the end of a dead-end corridor, and got a critical error saying that there was no free spot to drop some loot:

When resting at the edge of a map, some enemies are spawned beyond the edge of the map. In my case, some goblin archers, which I couldn't reach with melee weapons. (Walking to them would get me to the next map; I could lure them into the map though):

You can actually walk on water in Vela by walking off the tiny island at the east in the following screenshot:

I wasn't able to reproduce the first bug that I mentioned in this post, but I hope this helps.

Posted: December 17th, 2007, 8:16 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
kwokkie, what version are you playing? Many of these bug have been fixed in 1.04.

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 2:02 am
by kwokkie
Version 1.03, will be updating to 1.04 soon. Thanks

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 4:24 pm
by Unkillable Cat
Dang, I forgot to mention the version number. I'm playing 1.04, having updated from 1.03.

I came across a spelling error...sort of. In the cave in Grimmhold West, there is a rock that spawns bats when you "open" it. The status window gives me the message: "When you examine the rocks, several crash to the floor." Several what, exactly?

I'll update this post later to give the exact co-ordinates of the map for the map-edge issues. Right now, I got a whole lotta bats to kill...

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 4:30 pm
by Necromis
Cat that is easy. If you are examining something and several fall to the floor it would be the subject that you are on. The rocks.

If I was to say to that a group of people were out drinking and several seemed to be drunk you would know who I was talking about with several, right? Same point.

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 4:34 pm
by kwokkie
updated to 1.04! :-) (I can still walk on water in Vela though).

I'm not sure if this a bug, but traps on chests are triggered when the game asks wether you want to pick the lock or not, and you chose NO.

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 6:17 pm
by Unkillable Cat
More bugs:

Interface (General):

# Holding down the TAB key allows you to view the grid locations of squares that are not visible in the game screen, such as under the status window and the automap. Is this a bug?

# The game does not deduct the weight-loss incurred by firing arrows from your quiver or from used up torches until you pick up and drop an item in your inventory.

Combat (General):

# If, during combat, I call up the inventory and use an item, my enemies all suddenly start facing west for no discernible reason. During the immediate turn after using the item, they will attack to the west as well, but their attack is still directed towards me.

Southern Parish:

# The square at (x=47 Y=197) takes you south off the map into a closed area from which there is no escape, except by Quick Travel.

Salted Coast:

# The square at (x=1 Y=99) takes you west off the map into a closed area from which there is no escape, except by Quick Travel.

Blackwater Region:

# In the northeastern corner of the map is a small pass through the mountains. On each side of the pass is a group of squares that are marked black and should be inaccessible. However, you can reach them by walking through the rocks, at coordinates (X=94 Y=36), (X=89 Y=30) and (X=84 Y=34).

# The squares at (x=94 Y=3) and (X=95 Y=3) take you north off the map into a closed area from which there is no escape, except by Quick Travel.

# You can walk over the tent and the campfire by the northeastern gate to Blackwater (At (X=63 Y=81), (X=63 Y=83) and (X=63 Y=84) respectively).

# I met the Shady character in the pub and completed his "first" quest. However, I had beaten him to the item in the Vault, and so I was ambushed outside Blackwater, in the mountain pass in the northeast. I chose the "The equipment is mine" choice, and after having killed them all, I then later received the ambush encounter again, this time by the signpost on the Blackwater map. This time, however, the dialog window only said "You see a shady character", but my dialog options (and the replies to them) were the same. Also, there was one less enemy to deal with this time.

Underground Repository:

# The message in the status box is identical when you both open and/or close strongbox portcullis - "A passkey in your possession fits in the lever's slot, allowing you to unlock it."

Suggested fix: Either create a second message that uses the word "lock" when you pull the lever to close the strongbox portcullis, or replace the word "unlock" with either the word "activate" or the word "operate".

Shadowmirk Level 2:

# You can walk through the campfire at (X=60 Y=120).

EDIT: Typos.

Posted: December 22nd, 2007, 5:57 pm
by kwokkie
kwokkie wrote: After quick-traveling from Aridell to Grimmhold-east, I rested at the entrance of Grimmhold, which resulted by an ambush by a group of goblins. Pressing tab not only revealed the goblins, but also Abygale and Garret from Aridell:
Alright, I was abe to reproduce this. Just go to aridell and walk to the center of the town, so that a couple of the townsfolk are on the screen. Then quicktravel to Aridell or Grimmhold East (as long as it's on the same map), then press the tab key to show people that shouldn't be there

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 7:49 am
by farvardin
traps on chests are triggered when the game asks wether you want to pick the lock or not, and you chose NO.
I've experienced this too.
I don't think it's a bug, consider if you know there is a lock on a door, you've probably already touched it, then triggered it !

Posted: December 26th, 2007, 6:18 am
by Unkillable Cat
The bugs strike back:

Baron's Thicket:

# The square at (x=1 Y=164) takes you west off the map into a closed area from which there is no escape, except by Quick Travel.

Northeastern Crakamir:

# The square at (x=1 Y=61) takes you west off the map into a closed area from which there is no escape at all, as you cannot use Quick Travel in the Crakamir map!

# You can walk over the crack in the ground at coordinates (X=32 Y=105).

Shadowmirk Level 3:

# If Erubor sees you taking things from his chest, he will consider it a crime and will attack you, even though he has said that you are welcome to everything in it!

Gulf Of Madria:

# In the forest in the northeastern corner of the map are squares that you cannot travel through, even though they are completely empty! With a Cartography skill of 6, they appear on the map as a brown V-shape. This leads me to believe that they are supposed to be wall tiles, but there are no walls present.

Outpost of Burning Sands:

# The door at (X=25 Y=26) is flagged as being trapped, but no trap name shows up when you try to disarm it, nor does anything happen if the trap goes off. Bug?

Posted: December 26th, 2007, 3:33 pm
by Unkillable Cat
I have finished the game, and the final bugs I discovered were:

Goblin Citadel Level 1:

# You can walk through the campfire at (x=49 Y=136).

Goblin Citadel Level 2:

# There are two spelling errors in Gramuk's dialogue. When he makes you the "offer", he says that "Thaemore will continue to fall under Goblin controll", and then later on he asks "Would you sacrafice yourself..."