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True Mage challenges...

Posted: November 9th, 2015, 4:54 am
by Gotrek
hey folks

Went through book 3 as a warrior about a year ago and came across the game again and thought I would give "true mage" a crack. Interested in others tips for:
1. opening sealed barrels (sparks doesn't work particularly well...other damage types better?)
2. "destroying" Roach egg sacks in Rockhammer mine (early game you only had maybe 1 basic spell and not enough kegs)

will add more - or feel free to add your own tips.

Re: True Mage challenges...

Posted: November 9th, 2015, 11:22 am
by Randomizer
1. and 2. True Mage really is hard because you have to take so long using Spark to chip away. It's like you are chopping down the tallest tree in the forest with a herringbone.

You can postpone those two until you are a higher level so you can use the highest level of Spark or have another spell. Or rest frequently and keep some mana in case a monster comes along.

By mid game you have better spells that allow killing almost anything in one or two shots. Especially electrical (energy) attacks in the rain. :)

Re: True Mage challenges...

Posted: November 9th, 2015, 8:48 pm
by SpottedShroom
Opening sealed barrels (and chests, and doors, and whatever else) gets a lot easier once you have Fireball. You can also blast open those darn ceramic containers without having to lug around a powder keg.

Re: True Mage challenges...

Posted: November 12th, 2015, 5:48 am
by Gotrek
thanks - has been very slow going but lvl 4 spark is a lot more effective on roach eggs although barrels are still slow. I was wondering if another "energy" type spell would be more effective but trying not to buy any spells and playing hardcore I seem to keep finding the same 3 or 4 spells with very little variation.