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Happy New Year!

Posted: January 1st, 2022, 5:46 am
by Kreador Freeaxe
Happy New Year to all!

The Pub opened up 15.5 years ago, and I've been here for close to 14 of those. It's been fun getting to interact with you all and I look forward to hearing what BW has going in this new year.

Let's all stay safe and healthy and play more games!

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 1st, 2022, 11:42 am
by blatherbeard
Right back atcha Kreador!! And to all a Happy new year!

May your backlog grow more this year! cause we all know we have one and are still buying more games HA HA!

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 2nd, 2022, 8:29 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Thanks to all, especially to the handful of members who still stop by regularly. It may seem weird, but we did sell nearly 500 copies of Book II & III in 2021, so there are new players still steadily coming in and checking the forums for solutions. Thank you and welcome!

I am emailed regularly and asked why new user registration on these forums is deactivated, and the answer is spam. When I turn on user registration, the forums just get overloaded with garbage posts, and then I have to spend valuable time cleaning up the mess. This needs to be addressed when I have more time; we probably need updated forum software. Basilisk Games main website is outdated and in need of a refresh as well. :roll:

As for what else happened in 2021:

- Covid certainly changed things for us in the past 2 years. It disrupted my normal schedule, in some ways giving me more time to work on Basilisk projects, yet in other ways much less time. I am still spending (too much) time contracting my services out to other businesses to help them develop their projects, but income keeps the lights on.

- We moved! We left the Indianapolis area and moved to Bloomington. The Basilisk studio moved with us, and now occupies a large unfinished basement. As I write this, I am surrounded by boxes and totes, with the loud hum of workstations stacked together and an entanglement of wires and network cabling everywhere. I am currently trying to locate a contractor to build out the basement and get a functional studio again.

- I am transitioning again to a new engine for Basilisk's next game. Most of you old timers know that I started with BlitzMax to make Eschalon. In the past few years I've moved over to Unity. Now I'm moving to Godot, which is much like Unity but without so much overhead. It's faster to work with as it is 1/10th the size of Unity, and it is open source making it far more affordable.

- My intention is still to put out a sci-fi RPG and I have a huge portfolio of test engines to show for it, but I'm not yet in a place where I can show off anything new. Many of you are probably sick of hearing the same thing year after year, but it's the best I can offer right now.

Here's to a peaceful and prosperous 2022 for everyone!

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 2nd, 2022, 5:12 pm
by Dies a Lot
Thanks for the update BW. I come by here everyday to see what's happening.

Look forward to any new project you do.

Also, when you can or allowed to, please let us know what outside projects you're working on so we can check them out.

Good luck getting your basement straightened out. Moving can be a real pain.

Stay safe.

Happy holidays to all and everybody have a great 2022!


Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 2nd, 2022, 6:20 pm
by ferretgrandpa
And a Happy New Year to All

Like many others, I stop by at least once a week, sometimes more often, while there is seldom anything new, the fact that the lounge is still here is enough to keep me happy.

May you have a good and satisfying New Year.


Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 2nd, 2022, 7:35 pm
by Painted Lady
Thanks for the update BW. It's nice to know that you are still working on the game.

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 3rd, 2022, 10:37 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
BasiliskWrangler wrote: January 2nd, 2022, 8:29 am - I am transitioning again to a new engine for Basilisk's next game. Most of you old timers know that I started with BlitzMax to make Eschalon. In the past few years I've moved over to Unity. Now I'm moving to Godot, which is much like Unity but without so much overhead. It's faster to work with as it is 1/10th the size of Unity, and it is open source making it far more affordable.
You moved to Godot and now there's less waiting? Hmmmm.

Good luck with the contractor search and with balancing Basilisk development with all the things that keep the lights on. Like others, I drop by at least once a week to check on things and occasionally say hello to all you friends I've made here. I'll be right there to buy the next Basilisk Studios game, whenever it appears.

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 4th, 2022, 11:41 am
by Hawkwind
Thanks for the update, BW! I still lurk here occasionally waiting for the next game. ...and still replay the old ones when I can!

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 5th, 2022, 6:16 pm
by blatherbeard
Thanks for the update BW! I also come by nearly daily to see whats up(one of the 6 sites i have auto open with chrome) and love it when we see anything from anyone.

Grats on the new sales in 2021! Thats just amazing!

I literally hear more from you than from the rubber band gatling gun i ordered on kickstarter ha ha

Re: Happy New Year!

Posted: January 7th, 2022, 6:57 am
by MyGameCompany
Happy new year, Kreador!

And happy new year, everybody!

Thanks for the update, BW! I stop by once in a while to see what's going on, hoping you're still here and that there might be some news about your endeavors. I understand about moving, that's a pain, but I hope you're happy in your new digs. I moved from California to Michigan a few years ago (so I'm right around the corner from you), and we STILL have boxes in our basement that haven't been unpacked yet. But I'm definitely enjoying the retired life, and I'm having fun catching up on all the RPGs and video games and books I purchased over the years.

I recently played through the Eschalon series again, and it was so much fun. I played a mage that had crazy-high levels of Hide in Shadows and Move Silently, and I had a blast traveling at night and nuking enemies from the dark edges of rooms. They never knew what hit 'em! I love these games, and I'm really going to miss them when I am forced to upgrade my iMac and it comes with the latest OS. But I understand the cost and effort and technical challenges of keeping games current on the latest OS's. That's one reason I had to close My Game Company. I just couldn't do that anymore. So glad you're keeping the doors open.

I wish you all the best in 2022!