The application segfaults immediately on startup - I don't even get a GUI.
$ ./eschalon_book_2
Segmentation fault
Looks like it's a 64 bit audio problem.
$ LD_DEBUG=libs ./eschalon_book_2
....lots of output then finally...
13592: find [0]; searching
13592: search cache=/etc/
13592: search path=/lib32/i686/cmov:/lib32/i686:/lib32:/usr/lib32/sse2:/usr/lib32 (system search path)
13592: trying file=/lib32/i686/cmov/
13592: trying file=/lib32/i686/
13592: trying file=/lib32/
13592: trying file=/usr/lib32/sse2/
13592: trying file=/usr/lib32/
Segmentation fault
I have the ia32-libs package installed. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
Segfault on startup with Ubuntu 10.04 AMD 64bit
Re: Segfault on startup with Ubuntu 10.04 AMD 64bit
Some combination of following the instructions here:
and making sure that the 3D drivers for your video card are working correctly. In my case
$ fglrxinfo
<print stuff about OpenGL drivers>
$ glxgears
(show rotating gears)
Some combination of following the instructions here:
and making sure that the 3D drivers for your video card are working correctly. In my case
$ fglrxinfo
<print stuff about OpenGL drivers>
$ glxgears
(show rotating gears)