POLL: Favorite ROG format

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POLL: Favorite ROG format

Post by BasiliskWrangler »

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Re: POLL: Favorite ROG format

Post by BasiliskWrangler »

Sure...um... Role Occupation Game. I mean, that's what a "Class" is right?

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Re: POLL: Favorite ROG format

Post by Leezar »

I refuse to vote on the grounds that third person (pausable) "real" time, like Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale is not an option.

There is an option "first or third person" -II-, sort of, but I would not want my vote to count towards first person of any kind.

Also, the best kind of RPG is "encounter based" - when you run into enemies, you run into a team of enemies, like in Realmz or in Paper Sorcerer (and also like Final Fantasy, I guess, except those battles are not only dreadfully boring AND since enemy spawn is arbitrary, you walk five steps, angrily click through an overly animated and time consuming battle, walk another five steps and WTF you have progressed two screens in half an hour). Red Steel 2 did a wonder job with that, so buy a Wii and and get inspired (its not a RPG though). Also, the best way of doing encounter based is to have placement of the units based on the terrain and who surprises who (that is, you have a map with shadowed space where you can place your units and likewise for the enemy, and the person who lost the "stealth/trace" or whatever roll have to place his units first and the one who wins places after, except if you have ninja type units, who gets to start hidden until they attack).

I assume you will make the game exactly to may taste, because unlike the other c:a 2000 people who are also thinking of buying your next game, I, uhh... have better karma.
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Re: POLL: Favorite ROG format

Post by SpottedShroom »

Pause-able real-time is certainly a viable candidate. See also Dragon Age, the new Fallout series, and Ultima 7.

I would also put in a vote for "real-time until combat happens" games, like the old Fallout series, Balrum (if it ever comes out), and old-school JRPGs.
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