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Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 18th, 2008, 12:28 am
by realmzmaster
Another one came to mind:

Skyrealms of Jorune: Alien Logic

World of Aden: Thunderscape
Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall

Roadwar 2000

Am I close?

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 18th, 2008, 11:11 am
by Grue
There were couple of Traveller (well, MegaTraveller) CRPGs back in the early 90's, how about them? I seriously doubt they were the inspiration though. (Note: I never played them, although I did play PnP Traveller in its various incarnations.)

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 18th, 2008, 12:02 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
Boy, Grue, I hadn't thought about Traveller for a long time. That and Paranoia. Hot fun anybody?

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 19th, 2008, 1:27 am
by realmzmaster
I forgot about Omnitrend's Universe I, II, III.

I have MegaTraveller 1 & 2 games. There were pretty good for the times.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 11:23 am
by Atomic
Maybe Cybermage : Darklight Awakening can be on that list but its more of a first person shooter with RPG elements.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 11:57 pm
by twodumb
did you mean one of my favorite rpg series which alas was never finished alternate reality:" the city " and alternate reality: "the dungeon" these are probably considered ancient by some standards which were in my case played on Commodore 64 /128 cant remember which machine.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 12:04 pm
by Vyvern
Sounds interesting but i'm not sure about 3D only thought.
You maybe got something new coming up.? :)

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 2:17 pm
by paradoxmoe89
for me making a sci fi game(i donno if i got the real name right sci fi means like {Space Rangers}) is a great i dea untill now i only liked Space rangers 1&2 its pritty simple in the game play pritty complex in all the other things but in a beautiful way if the game had some effort like Book 1 which is really great then it would be terrific , for sure Basilisk games prove their worth .

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 9:12 pm
by azraelck
tiresius wrote:Ooh I would buy that. Hopefully it is party-based with ability to gain helpers/robots or some other such NPC help.

I worked for years in high school (early 90s) on an Ultima/M&M hybrid sci-fi CRPG called "Lazer Swordz" in QuickBasic, and was about 90% done with the engine+game maker. But the art of the project (enemy profiles) took too much effort to make. If I stuck to icons only it probably would have been finished. Ah the memories...
Ah, the joys of QuickBASIC. Did you have 4.5? That's the one that was able to make stand-alone EXE files. I still have my copy installed on DOSBox, or technically my DOS backup folder on my hard drive.

I wrote a similar RPG like yours, back when I was 12-13. The graphics, however, took forever. The source file was 16megs in size when that laptop gave out.

Now I'm working in BlitzMax, on a similar concept, and art is STILL the sticking point of the whole bloody thing.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 6:40 am
by Aldbeski
oh my god this is a great news i can't wat until the realese of book II because I Loved Book I so freaking Much And now i have something to look forward to after Eschalon Book(s)

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 10:50 am
by WCG
BasiliskWrangler wrote:It will be hard-line sci-fi (meaning no magic or voodoo like "the force", although it will feature fringe science).
Hey, this sounds GREAT! I'm so sick of magic (and of pseudoscience that's just magic in disguise). And existing SF games tend to be "real-time" space shooters. Ugh! As bad as I am at any "real-time" combat, I'm absolutely hopeless at pointing a spaceship in the right direction and hitting anything with lasers.

You've got your own vision, I know, but I always wanted to see another game like Starflight II (but without the "real-time" combat, even as easy as it was in that game). I'd love an RPG where your characters were officers on a ship, a game that really took advantage of exploration and discovery in space. In Starflight II, you could trade and interact with other civilizations, but you could also explore new star systems, collecting valuable loot (minerals, exotic plants and animals, alien artifacts, etc.). It was just so much fun wondering what you'd find next, what kinds of planets there'd be orbiting the next star and what you'd find when you landed on one of them.

Admittedly, when it comes to SF or space-based games, there are a LOT of options. Game developers have barely scratched the surface of what's available (too much emphasis on fantasy, though that can be fun, too). I'd also like to see a survival game, an RPG where a small group - or a large colony ship - crashes onto an unknown planet and must struggle to survive. Here, too, exploration and discovery would be hugely important.

Some of my favorite games of all time were SF, such as X-COM: UFO Defense (an incredible game that did just about everything right) or the original Master of Orion (I enjoy creation more than destruction, so terraforming and building on my colony planets was the most fun for me). As I say, there are a lot of possibilities. And as Hal Clement used to say, the universe itself makes a perfectly adequate villain. In space, there are enough natural dangers that difficulties don't have to come from some magical Snidely Whiplash.

I can't wait to see what you have in mind. :D

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 11:34 am
by Necromis
I didn't really read this topic first go round. However, I have to say the best, IMHO, old school sci-fi game is X-Com....the original one. The second, though good, was just thrown out there for money due to demands by the publisher. It was true sci-fi, no jedi force voodooo BS.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: September 29th, 2009, 8:55 am
by sapper_astro
I still have 'Mars Saga' laying about here somewhere. Time to fire up the C64 again.

Fairly certain it was ported to PC eventually, and the name was Mines of Titan. I think that was it anyway, its been a long time.

Anyway, looking forward to this new game engine of yours.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 2:41 pm
by Sslaxx
Still using BASIC for this project?

Heh, got a CD with the two MegaTraveller games on it somewhere. They were interesting.

Re: old school Sci-Fi RPG?

Posted: October 10th, 2009, 4:58 pm
by csharp0
sounds fantastic. can't wait.

just, in all of this, please don't forget about a ninja/samurai game. keep them notes flowing during any free time.