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Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: January 31st, 2009, 1:21 pm
by IJBall
I haven't weighed in on this with a post yet (though I already voted), but as no one else has taken up the "old logo" cause in this topic, I guess I will.

The new logo is fine looking, but I really do prefer the old one that we can all see right now up there in the left hand corner of this webpage. I think that's a fine looking logo. :mrgreen:

I think sometimes there a tendency for people to want to change things because they can, or because they "think they should", or because "it's time".

I guess what I'm saying is - fight that urge!! :wink:

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 2:52 pm
by Devon
I'm against the crossbar on the A. It's too distracting.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 3:10 pm
by Dragonlady
I just thought of something, why not use the old one but instead of gold covering most of it with a bit of silver on "Games", change it around to mostly silver with gold "games"?? :D Silvery is kind of futuristic.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 3:23 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
The only problem I have with the original is that the font (Papyrus) has all those "nicks" taken out from the edges, giving it a very rough-hewn appearance. My thought is I'd like to go with a smoother font that still gives a fantasy apperance. I have found a few fonts that may be close to papyrus yet smooth, so I am going to give those a try.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 7th, 2009, 8:54 am
by Iggyswordgirl
Hi, I'm new! Got the game last summer, and I've been playing it over and over and over in my free time...

I like the new logo, but there's one thing I would change. I like the crossbar on the A in "Basilisk" (makes the whole thing look more streamlined), but I think the A in "games" shouldn't have one. It kind of conflicts with the bar above the word.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 7th, 2009, 4:40 pm
by Scryler
If I could have, I'd have voted for Getharn's 1st logo.

I voted for the old logo. Like others, I don't like the bar over the A.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 14th, 2009, 9:59 am
by Zeno
Well, I like the bar over the "A." Kinda interesting. But, I'm rather fond of the current logo... looks cool. Especially the little accent marks over the "i's." If you were, however, intending to make non-fantasy games after you finish the Eschalon trilogy, perhaps a crisper logo may be in order. Like, the current lettering, but smoother and crisper? I dunno.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 16th, 2009, 9:43 am
by Amazadh Kristeopolous
Good grief! What a difficult choice. I went with the new logo after much comparison. But i still really like the original logo, particularly the i's slanty diacritic; I suppose that, in some ways, the choice of the barred t in the chosen Celtic script has a 'similar' feel. The flare could do with a little toning down, especially given the criteria.

The original logo has a curiously 'cuddly' inviting quality to it, whereas the new is more direct and more easily applicable to a wider range of software. I ran into some problems years ago with redesigning 'corporate' signs, it can arouse the most amazing hostility! I was stunned by how many people still demanded Times Roman...

@ Getharn - oh dear! I also scored 9/10 on that test! ...I now feel like a complete font nerd... :oops:

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:11 pm
by The Master Ackrovan
I enjoy the new, unmodified logo. It makes you look more professional.

The Last Archon

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 9:52 am
by woem
I prefer the current logo, mainly because of the red circle around the basilisk in the new one. It seems totally out of place and makes the logo look cheap.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: February 28th, 2009, 8:52 am
by Hylius
If I may, I like the new logo better. The problem with the older one, in my opinion, is the text. I like its rugged look, but if I'm not mistaken, the font is Papyrus, and I see that font everywhere. The new one looks more distinguished and unique. Concerning the A, I think the bar over it should stay. Otherwise, the A would look slightly "lonely", and there would be wasted empty space around it.

A suggestion: how about you try using the font from "The Drunken Lizard Pub" sign? It looks really nice, and you would have a matching forum logo!

Possible alternative?

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 7:35 pm
by Siemova
Both the current and the proposed logos have things going for them, but I'm not sure the new font looks right. I know you want a cleaner look, BW, but I think that looks almost too crisp. Just for kicks, I browsed through some fonts online and made a few alternative mockups in Photoshop. My favorite so far uses Benguiat Bk BT:


If the colors are off, please forgive me; I'm partially colorblind. :wink: Still, I think it's enough to get the idea across. To my eye, this style of text is just fantastic, yet just modern, enough to work with both sci-fi and fantasy. Maybe you've already settled on something else by now, but I thought I'd throw this out there.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 8:30 pm
by Dragonlady
Siemova, I do like your version. Much better than the funny looking 'A' with the crossbar on it. :)

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: March 5th, 2009, 12:59 pm
by Siemova
Thanks, Dragonlady! I concur about the A. :P

Looking at the Book II screenshots recently, I realized the text above your stats (Hit Points, etc.) will be the same (or at least a very similar) font used in BW's proposed new logo. I think it looks pretty good in that context, but not so much on a larger scale.

Re: New Basilisk Games Logo?

Posted: March 15th, 2009, 2:16 pm
by Evnissyen
I think I like the red circle around the logo the best of all - it really does a nice job of finishing it.

I too was torn between the two logos... I eventually voted for the new one, but there are things I prefer about the old one, such as the "nicked" lettering that Basilisk mentioned being bothered by. To me, the smoother letters feel alienating, while the rougher letters are primal and inviting.

Also, since I guess no one mentioned this: Maybe the biggest problem with the new logo is that it is not well integrated with the text. At least with the current logo, the leg overlaps part of the B. With the new logo, the text seems to muscle up against the logo.