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Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: May 26th, 2010, 10:07 am
by CrazyBernie
I actually had a nice 1600x1200 wallpaper compiled from about 20 screenshots, but it was too much for the laptop to handle... crashed when I tried to save it. When I get home and have access to my desktop once again, I'll give it another go. I suppose I could give gimp a download.

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: May 27th, 2010, 11:54 pm
by Evnissyen
I used to like Artweaver. Free, and it was more comfortable than any of the other graphics programs I found for the PC, shareware or commercial. I could download it again but haven't bothered, since I do my graphical work on my Mac.

EDIT: I'm currently using Al3x's opening-Basilisk-logo screenshot for my Mac wallpaper. It replaces a Dorothea Tanning painting.

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 12:15 pm
by Al3xand3r
For the record, since you and Evnissyen (I guess you don't find the games' intros distinctive? I like them) seem to think I actually created those or something, I did not, they're just ideas of what I'm hoping to see from Wrangler. They're screenshots of the Book I and Book II intros, no touching up whatsoever was done by me, just screenshots taken with fraps while starting up the games. Still too low res for my monitor, but hey, if someone thinks they're useful, I'm glad I helped, though it was nothing.

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 12:49 pm
by Evnissyen
I know, I know, I recognize those well from the opening of Book I . . . I've run the game enough times to recognize it.

Sure, I could've done a screengrab myself . . . but you did it first.

What I meant by 'distinctive' was 'more descriptive' (I think I used that phrase as well) of the Eschalon gameplay . . . showing actual game activity, interesting things going on.

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 4:19 pm
by Al3xand3r
Well I like the art they used for the intros and that's the kind of wallpaper I'd like to see in high res. A wallpaper isn't (necessarily) a screenshot or a trailer which are perfectly fine media to advertise the gameplay with, nor would anyone misunderstand and think it's trying to show gameplay, much like the games' intros themselves. It's just something pretty to look at every time you minimise a given window, perhaps evoke a feeling, much like any piece of art. I just made this thread to tell Basilisk Games that I enjoyed their art so much that I'd love to use it as a wallpaper and it would be sweet if they could provide some hgh res wallpapers in that tone. Nothing more, nothing less. Feel free to disagree.

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: May 28th, 2010, 11:08 pm
by Evnissyen
I don't disagree at all. I like Eschalon's artwork.

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: June 5th, 2010, 3:07 am
by Evnissyen
* deleted *

(Whew! That one needed to go.)

(Not exactly one of my more sane posts.)

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: July 27th, 2010, 6:13 am
by jhonsadins

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: August 7th, 2010, 4:48 am
by Evnissyen
Granted Eschalon's not one of those games given to great screeenshots that work well for wallpaper, but here are a few grabs of my own, anyhow. I hope at least a couple are appreciated :

Hey, thanks for letting me in, Anwick. As you know, the weather kinda sucks outside, outside.

Hey, cool! I had no idea there was a museum, down here! Say . . . you wouldn't happen to know where I can find the Orakur remains? ...Wait . . . oh, yeah, I forgot.

Speaking with Julian . . . or, at least, trying to.

Hey . . . anyone wanna see a mutilated corpse? Anyone? Corpse? Mutilated?

Welcome to Westwillow!

Westwillow, sans beleaguered Mayor

Caravan at Raven's Gate, waiting just for you, for you.

Lost in the Great Snowy Wastes of Nor'land. I'm blind ! I'm blind ! You know, maybe I shouldn't've accepted that ride, after all. It seemed like a good idea at the time... .

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: August 17th, 2010, 9:00 am
by Aldbeski
good ones

Re: Wallpapers?

Posted: August 17th, 2010, 12:51 pm
by Evnissyen
Thanks. In a couple of those I forgot to black-out the torchlight at the bottom left (where the torch item is on the game menu), but, of course, anyone who wants to use either of those can also do that themselves, themselves... .

Anyway, maybe I'll come up with some more, later on.