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Posted: November 6th, 2007, 3:30 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
Thanks Dragonlady. You people rock!

Seriously though, this is the only way the game (and the series) is going to survive: word-of-mouth. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I've sent emails and press releases to major gaming sites, and nearly always I am ignored because this isn't an MMO and we don't use a DirectX 10 engine.

So thank you everyone here, and RPGWatch, GameBanshee, Inside Mac Games, RPGCodex, RPGDot, and any other site that routinely gives us coverage!

Posted: November 6th, 2007, 5:06 pm
by Saxon1974
BasiliskWrangler wrote:Thanks Dragonlady. You people rock!

Seriously though, this is the only way the game (and the series) is going to survive: word-of-mouth. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I've sent emails and press releases to major gaming sites, and nearly always I am ignored because this isn't an MMO and we don't use a DirectX 10 engine.

So thank you everyone here, and RPGWatch, GameBanshee, Inside Mac Games, RPGCodex, RPGDot, and any other site that routinely gives us coverage!
This makes me angry to hear that about the major gaming sites, just goes to show another reason why no good RPG's are made anymore, because the major media sites have DECIDED FOR US they aren't worth making! I cancelled my mag subscription for this reason.

Most of those you listed were the ones where I have hyped the game but if I find more I will spread the word. I do have a few friends that play RPG's so I will tell them about it and ask them to spread the word as well.

Posted: November 7th, 2007, 7:01 am
by gragnak
I've a blog about Old School rpgs on GAMESPOT.COM

I'm doing some advertising there.
So I hope I can contribute to let other role players know Eschalon Booik I's coming out soon.

I asked the price of the dowonloadable versione just to insert some new info.

Posted: November 7th, 2007, 9:02 am
by gragnak
Another question.

I was reading the amazing FAQ (it's a splendid work. compliments!)

Reading this: Q: Will there be any large scale purchases for those who attain huge amounts of cash, like a hideout?
A: There are some very expensive weapons and armor you can save up for, but no property to purchase. Within the game world there are several little abandoned "houses" that you could claim as your own if you so wanted.

I asked myself: "Will be there a way to set e teleport spell in my house so I can go back there and store items and gold any time I need"?
Something like Might and Magic VII teleport spell.

Will it be possible?

Posted: November 7th, 2007, 10:36 pm
by PhilosophiX
Do you mind if I borrow one of your screenie thumbnails so that I can illustrate the post I'm about to make on my blog? I like to break up the text as much as possible. Anyway a big congratulations are in order. I think it's a brilliant accomplishment, that you've put together a game from scratch to finish. Eschalon is the RPG I've been waiting for since the old days. I'll do my part by telling everyone possible about this brilliant game, I'll be shouting it from the rooftops shortly. Long live the Indie CRPG!

Posted: November 7th, 2007, 10:50 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
Do you mind if I borrow one of your screenie thumbnails...
I don't mind at all. Thank you, PhilosophiX!

Posted: November 8th, 2007, 3:37 am
by gragnak
gragnak wrote:Another question.

I was reading the amazing FAQ (it's a splendid work. compliments!)

Reading this: Q: Will there be any large scale purchases for those who attain huge amounts of cash, like a hideout?
A: There are some very expensive weapons and armor you can save up for, but no property to purchase. Within the game world there are several little abandoned "houses" that you could claim as your own if you so wanted.

I asked myself: "Will be there a way to set e teleport spell in my house so I can go back there and store items and gold any time I need"?
Something like Might and Magic VII teleport spell.

Will it be possible?
I searched the forum but I couldn't find any answer.

Q 1: Ehi Thom, can you give me any hint? (if possible)

Q 2: Is it possible to have the cd versione shipped in Italy? Can you give me an idea of shipping expenses?


Posted: November 10th, 2007, 6:43 am
by Gwendo
I know you must be busy squashing the last bugs before the release date, but would it possible to "feed" us with a couple new screenshots, to ease the wait? ;)

Posted: November 10th, 2007, 12:15 pm
by Dragonlady
Gwendo wrote:I know you must be busy squashing the last bugs before the release date, but would it possible to "feed" us with a couple new screenshots, to ease the wait? ;)
Pretty please?

I know you said you wouldn't, but something? <whine voice> Please???</voice>

:roll: :lol:

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 9:04 am
by Palikka

Is there a way to change the path where your savegames are saved? I know this is kinda extreme fear but I'm currently playing The Witcher and it saves the games to c: too. If I hadnt manually removed most of my quicksaves the savegame folder would have gone over 3gigs now (I have 3.5gigs of free space on c: ..).

also, it's always nice to have all the game files under the same folder.

edit: More on the savegames: Can you name your savegames? Are there more than 1 quicksave slots? Does the game autosave? and how often if it does.

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 9:27 am
by BasiliskWrangler
The reason saved games go to "My Documents" is because of Vista. Vista's uber-strict security doesn't allow software to write data just anywhere, so you'll see more and more games/apps write data there.

I'm sure with lots of creative programming we could allow the game to write data anywhere, but it's just too late at this point. We'll keep looking into this for future games. By the way, our saved games are waaaay less than 3gigs (I think when all the slots are filled towards the end of the game, the entire saved game directory is around 20mb).

Yes, you can name your saves. There are 10 save slots. No auto-save...just like old-school, you can save whenever/wherever you want...but it is your responsibility to do so!

Posted: November 17th, 2007, 10:09 am
by Amasius
Just nitpicking, but is there a reason (storywise or else) that the characters look so... unhealthy? I've just played a little bit with the colors in the second screenshot and I think it makes quite a difference:


Posted: November 17th, 2007, 10:19 am
by BasiliskWrangler
The color hues were managed and desaturated quite a bit to give it a more aged and artificial look. I don't like RPGs that have photorealistic NPCs and with Eschalon, we used a combination of CGI and photographs to make the portraits. You'll find most NPCs have a unique, somewhat unnatural, look to them.

Having said that, I do like the warm colors you gave Abygale.

Posted: November 17th, 2007, 10:30 am
by Amasius
BasiliskWrangler wrote:I don't like RPGs that have photorealistic NPCs
Neither do I. Heh, why must I think now of the later Might and Magic games? :P
BasiliskWrangler wrote:You'll find most NPCs have a unique, somewhat unnatural, look to them.

Having said that, I do like the warm colors you gave Abygale.

I really like the portraits I've seen so far, only the colors are often a bit strange. Abygale (nice name) looks almost green and it was only the work of seconds to change that.

Posted: November 19th, 2007, 9:25 pm
by Gribble
Does my level in blunt weapons make a difference when I bash objects?