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Posted: December 18th, 2007, 2:15 pm
by Dragonlady
BasiliskWrangler wrote:arg! I'm sorry Dragonlady! I guess when I added Lich King your vote was stuck in the previous slot!

I guess "King" is rather sexist anyways- I'll just drop it and go with good ol' plain Lich.
Weeellll, alright. Is there anyway to revote so I get put into the 'Lich' slot instead of whatever is next up the line? Can't see it while I type this. :)

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 4:44 pm
by acoustibop
I'd like my vote transferred to Lich if it's possible, as well, please - there are no less than 7 members in the Undead category, and myself and Dragonlady are clearly not part of such a common herd... :P 8)

I'll have you know I'm eligible for a Twirly card now, even if I still haven't got around to applying for it yet...

Posted: December 19th, 2007, 7:31 pm
by Amazadh Kristeopolous
LICH...!!!!!!!! :shock: :o

...How dare you!!! :lol: :lol:

Well, that is outrageous, AND I'm the only one...???? ...that is seriously scary!

Come on there must be some other people out there - other than me who still play computer games - and are 'young' enough to remember where they were when Kennedy was assassinated (I was just going into a cinema to see a film - I have no idea what the film was!) ...but then my ex-girl-friend said she couldn't believe she was going out with a guy of my age who was a computer geek... :?

Posted: December 19th, 2007, 7:39 pm
by acoustibop
There's two more of us, Amazadh; unfortunately, we both voted before there was a Lich category, so we got lumped in with the mere undead... :(

Edit: Yes, I can remember when Kennedy was assassinated; I remember when Sputnik went up, too.

Posted: December 19th, 2007, 9:53 pm
by Dragonlady
acoustibop wrote:There's two more of us, Amazadh; unfortunately, we both voted before there was a Lich category, so we got lumped in with the mere undead... :(

Edit: Yes, I can remember when Kennedy was assassinated; I remember when Sputnik went up, too.
Same here, I was in my first year at college. I was in the student bookstore and there was a radio that could get far away stations. Heard the news there as it was breaking in Texas. The whole campus went into shock.

Been trying to get the voting to be changed but no go so far. If it weren't the holiday season this ol' dragon would be mighty grumpy about it. :lol:

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 2:42 am
by Fleisch
Thank you for making me feel young, as I am merely undead. In fact, when I voted, I was still adult.

I like the categories. I think about the eggs, larvae, and pupae when I play (shudder) online games.

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 6:20 am
by Amazadh Kristeopolous
Hi Dragonlady and acoustibop - phew!! Thank goodness for that! :D

I'm feeling much younger again now! Do either of you play on-line games as well...?

I occasionally play Warcraft, but I am seriously addicted to AstroWars, a game of galactic domination. It's quite handy for when your bladder calls to you in the night; just amble past the computer, wake it up, (why should anything else be asleep when you're not...?) and check to see what's going down... :lol:

Are you long-term computer nerds? - I cut my eye-teeth on punched card and paper tape systems!! - or recent converts?

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 2:37 pm
by Dragonlady
Amazadh Kristeopolous wrote:Hi Dragonlady and acoustibop - phew!! Thank goodness for that! :D

I'm feeling much younger again now! Do either of you play on-line games as well...?

Are you long-term computer nerds? - I cut my eye-teeth on punched card and paper tape systems!! - or recent converts?
No, I don't play online games. I'm too busy running my own game on Rpol dot net and playing Escalon. :D

I'm not sure you can call me a computer nerd. I've been using a computer since the Commodore 64 came out using a tape deck and then a drive. I can't poke around in the software specs or deep search stuff, I just use the programs I buy. :lol:

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 3:15 pm
by acoustibop
Me, no, Amazadh, I'm not into online games - one reason why Eschalon is such a breath of fresh air for me. There seem to be clients available for great numbers of online games for Linux, but few games like this.

And no, I'm not a computer nerd either. Mucked about with a Sinclair QL in the early 80s, and got a lot more into a BBC computer a few years later, but didn't really get into PCs 'till about ten years ago, and started getting into Linux (Ubuntu) nearly a year ago - now my OS of choice. I guess my friends and the people at work think I'm some sort of computer genius, but that's only by comparison with them... I'm not.

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 8:28 pm
by confused1
I do believe I am the youngest who has posted, sitting at 16. Wow! A 16 year old into CRPG's! What's next?
By the way, I cannot stand Bioshock and the Halo series even though I get teased about not liking them. Oh well, at least I have a couple of other friends into CRPG's. Which reminds me I need to let them know about this game when I go back to school!

Posted: January 1st, 2008, 2:49 am
by Ameefmu
I'm 16 also :P
It shows i guess, my level of immaturity astounds even myself.

Posted: January 1st, 2008, 6:52 am
by JoeSlow
What a funny poll!
Egg, Larvae, ..., Undead, Lich

I'm 47 years old, should be and feel adult, but after spending hours in front of my computer, sometimes I feel like an Undead ;-)

Posted: January 1st, 2008, 11:54 am
by oldguy
LOL, 58 here and still kicking. :lol:

Posted: January 1st, 2008, 12:41 pm
by Rubinstein
Hey, 51 here and not the oldest one. That is funny! :lol:

Posted: January 2nd, 2008, 12:16 am
by Feidb
I'm 56 and remember seeing Sputnik at my grandpa's house in Playa Del Rey, Calee'fornia. That is what got me into telescopes and amateur astronomy.

I was in elementary school when Kennedy was shot. I remember all these kids crying and carrying on and when I asked what was going on, they said Kennedy got shot but it sounded like they said he got shocked, so I thought the president got electrocuted. Oh well... That was Lompoc, Calee'fornia.

I have several friends my age that play Warcraft and other on-line games but I don't like on-line games either. It's like when I used to play pen and paper D&D in the 80s and we had a group. There would always be some A***hole join the group and ruin things, so I soured on group play. It was about that time that the Commodore 64 and 128 came out and that's when I got into RPG's. Ah, those were the days!