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The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 22nd, 2018, 12:24 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
It's that time of year again, where I get to sit back and reflect on what Basilisk has done and what we have coming up n the next year.

This year I am disappointed that we are not talking about release dates, and sharing cool screenshots and a game trailer. Our big Sci-Fi RPG, code named "TRC", is languishing in development limbo, currently in shambles between two engines.

I've mentioned this several times, and it is worth mentioning it again: the original concept for TRC was for it to be a free-roaming 3D world. Unfortunately, Basilisk Games is just a small studio and we do not have the resources to make such an ambitious game, which I came to realize when I missed goal after goal during the first 18 months of development. I even asked for help (via a front page post for 3D character designers) but hiring people costs a lot money, and I finally made the decision to not spend that money continuing on a design paradigm that might never reach completion.

And so, a few months ago I made the hard decision to abandon the 3D game concept and go back to an isometric design, which is far more achievable in the long run, but that change in direction forced us to reset everything. A "hard reset", as they say, back to nearly phase 1 of the design process. We do get to keep a lot of the inventory code and rule set functions, but the game engine and many graphic elements all have to be redone.

TRC is a dream of mine, in many aspects predating Eschalon with design notes going back to the late 1990s. I will keep working on it so long as there is breath in my lungs and at least a few dollars in my bank account. It's just going to take some time. Meanwhile, as all game developers do, I have inspiration from day to day on other Eschalon prequel using this new engine? A dungeon-crawler in the spirit of the old Might & Magic / Wizardry games? There's a lot of fun little demos floating around the office right now, any one of them may be a seed to a new project.

In a previous post, I mentioned that Basilisk Games might be helping a smaller local developer publish a mobile game. This deal has reached an agreement, and I am spending the remainder of 2018 getting this game prepped for release on Android and iOS. It's described as a "tower-building trivia game", and although it's not something any of you would think would have come from Basilisk Games (remember, we're just the publisher), it is a fun little game, very family friendly, and it could provide us with a bit of helpful cash flow. I'll let you know when it's released, and every download will help us tremendously. The game will be free, driven by ads, as many mobile games are.

Another thing on the 2019 schedule: a website redesign. I think it's time to get away from the front-page blog style website that we've had since 2007 and modernize the look a bit.

So that's about about it. Another year gone, another year without an RPG to show you, but we're still here doing our thing. Will 2019 be the year we finally get to properly announce our sci-fi RPG? Maybe a new RPG altogether? Will Basilisk Games evolve into being just a publisher for mobile games?? Will we throw in the towel and go get "real jobs in the real world"?? Stay tuned, it's going to be an interesting year!

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 22nd, 2018, 3:48 pm
by MyGameCompany
As a former indie developer myself, I can certainly understand your struggles. And though I'm disappointed that there isn't a new game to play, I'm still rooting for you! And meantime, I have a backlog of Nintendo games for my Switch and Wii U to play through. So I have enough to keep me busy for awhile, while I wait for your next masterpiece. And I'm excited that it will be sci-fi and isometric (both of which I love)!

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 23rd, 2018, 4:47 pm
by Arkos
I have a big backlog, too (I still haven't finished Pathfinder Kingmaker), so no worries. And I'll be first in line when the game does come out, no matter how long that takes.

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 24th, 2018, 7:36 am
by blatherbeard
Hell, ive got games i aint finished and im replaying mad max.... lol

I too shall be in line for what comes next, when it comes.

Sure im disappointed about the fps game, but i think most if not all of us get it.

Im sure the game will be fantastic when it does arrive.

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 24th, 2018, 11:31 am
by Painted Lady
While it is too bad you have had to scale back on the graphics for the new game, it's certainly not the end of the world. You are obviously disappointed, but just knowing that a game is in the works is great news. When it arrives I'm certainly going to be in line to buy a copy.

Actually, I love isometric, so this is not the bad news it might be for some people :roll:

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 24th, 2018, 2:45 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
I'm thinking you may still come out with TRC before the Mac or Linux versions of Bard's Tale IV come out. ;-)

Have a great holiday and we're all looking forward to what you can do in 2019.

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 27th, 2018, 12:04 am
by geishaboy
Good to see you are still alive and kicking.

I'm actually quite happy that the new game will be isometric, as I have always preferred that perspective.

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 29th, 2018, 7:55 pm
by Prismatic Maelstrom
BasiliskWrangler wrote: December 22nd, 2018, 12:24 pmAnother thing on the 2019 schedule: a website redesign. I think it's time to get away from the front-page blog style website that we've had since 2007 and modernize the look a bit.
I'd leave a website redesign until 2020 or 2021 when you have a game trailer or something suitable to present to the community.

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: December 31st, 2018, 9:34 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
Happy New Year!

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: January 1st, 2019, 9:16 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
You too, Kreador!

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: January 21st, 2019, 8:34 am
by Leezar
Eh, 3D is overrated anyway. Lots of games would have been more fun if they had been isometric or straight up 2D instead, and lots of games are awesome precisely because they are not 3D. Like Volgarrr the Viking (2D) and Paper Sorcerer (well, I guess it's 2,5 D but whatever).

That said;


No, seriously, you put it on the shelf since you got bored. Well, don't you ever become unbored? Just blow the dust off and finish it already!!!

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: January 21st, 2019, 1:10 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
Leezar wrote: January 21st, 2019, 8:34 amThat said;


No, seriously, you put it on the shelf since you got bored. Well, don't you ever become unbored? Just blow the dust off and finish it already!!!
:D I was just playing this last week. It is still very fun despite it mostly just a partial game with large pieces missing. It's always a possible path for us. :wink:

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: January 27th, 2019, 1:53 pm
by mercy
2D and 2D isometric is way better IMO than any truly 3D game. For example you already lose a lot of player focus with a freely rotatable 3D camera. Then you have to worry your world looks good from all angles and you the developer cannot concentrate 100% on the gameplay, but you are forced to focus on 3D visuals, which is junk. This is why XCOM: UFO Defense is way better than even XCOM: EW.

You can create 'infinite graphical depth' with the 2D Fallout 1-2 style, where the player's mind performs a "Rorschach function" --> puts in added imaginary pieces of detail to a room, which you didn't even purposely think of putting there. So the player thinks they spotted a very cool detail on your map, when you merely told your artist to add a "gritty grunge detail" to that corner and you didn't even think for it having any shape or purpose. But the player's mind works it out beautifully and enriches the game in their imagination. Just as a father reading a children's book to a child might often enrich the tale to fit his own "Fable Universe v2.0"

Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: January 31st, 2019, 4:54 am
by Leezar
BasiliskWrangler wrote: January 21st, 2019, 1:10 pm
Leezar wrote: January 21st, 2019, 8:34 amThat said;


No, seriously, you put it on the shelf since you got bored. Well, don't you ever become unbored? Just blow the dust off and finish it already!!!
:D I was just playing this last week. It is still very fun despite it mostly just a partial game with large pieces missing. It's always a possible path for us. :wink:
Pluralis royalis?
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Re: The State of the Basilisk 2018: A Year in Review

Posted: January 31st, 2019, 7:56 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Yep, I am the only full-time, regular paycheck employee, but I don't like to say "me" and "I" all the time. Other people, even fans, contribute to the creative process with ideas, suggestions, and donations. I work with other artists sometimes, or music composers. I may purchase an asset made by someone else, or use a snip of open-source code here or there. And as for the operation of the business, I have an accountant and a payroll representative who are part of Team Basilisk, and even my wife and kids contribute if I need them too, such as play testing.

I just feel like it's disingenuous to say "I do this all on my own" when so many other people keep Basilisk Games running. BUT, yes, I really do 90% the actual hands-on development of each game, which is why it can take so long to go from idea to release.