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Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 8th, 2010, 11:13 pm
by Saxon1974
With book II a few days away I decided to play book I again. Granted I dought I will finish in 3 or 4 days unless I take off work a few days.

Anyone else doing that too? I only played the game all the way through once though so I remember parts of the game but not all.

Trying a pure rogue this time and see how that goes. The tricky thing is deciding which skills to take and which not in the beginning.

Excited for book II!

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 10:27 am
by Hexhammer

Sorry, double post..

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 10:28 am
by Hexhammer
Same thing here. Although i probbably have to wait some time to get my copy here.. I dunno if any Finnish gameshops will be distributing EB2.

i just started a new character, true old fashion Barbarian. I'll compensate the waiting time by playing three charracters simultaneously.

Sneaky bow wielding rogue, he uses some elemental magick to aid his efforts and he's more keen to non combat skills and using lot of stealth to keep himself alive and unnoticed.

Then theres this old fashion Paladin, crazily tought guy, but he doesn't care much about magicks, some short prayer to his gods when entering battle is enough for him. Traditional knight in a shining armor type. He's weapon of choise is the biggest mace he can find. :D

Third char is the barbarian, agnostic. He prefers axe as a primary weapon, shields, light armor of any quality, the lighter the better because he's got a liking to fool his enemies with fast evasive actions and using it as an advantage against them. His problem is he isn't really sharp eyed or patient enough with his battling style, but when he hits, he hits hard as hell. :twisted:

Ok, enough of that story for now, i can't wait either, damn, if only i had an idea how long it takes to get one copy to my hands. It takes lot of days to deliver the DVD to here, damn, behind gods and everybodys backs.

It looks like we are going to get that kind of dreamgame now, that there's going to be plenty of premature death's due to the dehydration combined with sleepdeprivation. :lol:

(I hope my english is good enough for you guys? :D Just being curious.. Don't mind the typos...)

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 11:44 am
by CrazyBernie
Hexhammer wrote:Same thing here. Although i probbably have to wait some time to get my copy here.. I dunno if any Finnish gameshops will be distributing EB2.
You might be able to order it online if any shops near you sell Visa gift cards. I've used them in the past to purchase stuff on the internet.

This is of course assuming you do not have a credit card...

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 11:49 am
by Saxon1974
Hexhammer, your English is just fine, thanks for sharing 8)

I would think when you purchase the DVD you can download it at the same time so you can play before the DVD arrives. Unless you just want to wait for the package to start. Im getting the DVD but will start playing as soon as I can download the game...not patient enough:)

As much as I like Book I, I realize it was a rookie first game effort by Basilisk and I think Book II will be far bigger and more detailed since they used the same engine and just improved upon it and worked on story, gameplay quests etc....cant wait to play it.

I think the new combat options will make the game a whole lot more fun.

About my Rogue character, I noticed that its a bit tough early on in the game to get through some of the early areas with his lack of decent armor. Sneaking doesnt seem to work very well for me either. I have Move silenty but not "Hide in Shadows". Do Rogues in this game have a critical sneak attack ability if they sneak up on someone?

What do you think are the best skills for rogues? I was thinking dodge due to low armor but then again it says that skill only improves your chances of dodging an attack 1% per skill point which isnt really very much for each skill.

I might have to add a little elemental magic to him as well. I took the bow skill too because I dont think I could play this game without a bow.


Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 12:04 pm
by Hexhammer
Hmm, yea, i have to find out about that. I guess the download is possible as soon as the product is payed AFAIK? BasiliskWrangler should come and tell... :)

I'd put a single point to hide in shadows and later maybe 1 - 2 more maybe. It's little bit too efficient i think, but 1 - 3 points is kind of and solution, doesn't make sneaking too easy.

Hmm, i'm not yet sure how the move silently works, or how many ranks should be invested to it for it to be efficient. People seem to ignore it mostly and the latest Rogue char i made didn't have it either.

Elemental magick is awesome, my rogue goes with hide in shadows and elemental all the time. Predator sight and air shield are the magick words here. ;) I found it too easy at times, lev7 rogue with those aces in sleeve + 2 points on light armor and was it 8 or 10 points in bows, goblins, thugs and all other usual enemies are walk in a park. Don't know about the raptors yet, i'm not that far with him.

Well, my skill preference for rogue would be
lt armour
hide in shadows
elemental magick

At least these three are extremely useful for him. Or maybe for a challenge go with low END and without armour at all? :)

Damn if that download as soon as game is payed works, i'm gonna have fun soon. :D I just have to find out money first, account is as empty as it can be. Maybe i have to go hone my theivery skills somewhere. :twisted:

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 12:43 pm
by CrazyBernie
Yes you'll be able to order the Book II DVD and then download the game while waiting for the disc to arrive.

No rogues do not have a sneak attack. However, with a high enough Hide in Shadows skill and the proper darkness/cover, you can potentially perform repeated attacks on an enemy without being detected!

Don't completely discount the benefits of dodge... if you spend 10 points in dodge, that gives you a 10% chance to completely evade damage. 1 out of 10 hits can add up pretty fast for a fairly squishy rogue.

You have to really invest in your HIS skill to reap the benefits... it's not very effective until you start getting past 5 points or so... and early on you need to be standing next to as much cover as possible.

I started my rogue with Hide in shadows, Swords (Maxed), Light Armor, and Pick Locks. Eventually I picked up Bows and switched to ranged, but I wish I had stuck to melee...

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 3:03 pm
by Randomizer
Book1 Hide in Shadows needs a much lower level to be able to stand there and repeatedly attack wihout being noticed than in Book 2.

Dodge is nice and if you pay attention to which monster missed by your dodging you can take advantage of it to get a better hit.

For a rogue you want to start with light armor, a melee weapon, pick locks, and maybe lore to identify the loot. Then add a range weapon when you can train for those hard to reach monsters.

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 3:33 pm
by ManusDei
As for myself, I decided to replay Alone in The Dark (the 1992 version) waiting for Eschalon Book.

Don't search a link between both games, I myself can't think of one :lol:

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 5:45 pm
by Saxon1974
Ok I think I will put some points into Dodge and pick up Hide in Shadows.

I like my rogue to be versed in both sword and bow, that was while outdoors you can use the bow from distance and use sword indoors. The bow is difficult to use in a dungeon in darkness.

Not sure I wanna use magic with my rogue, I wanna keep it pure rogue. I do have alchemy so I can make health potions though....

Thanks for the suggestions....ok Im off the play and gonna try and finish book I before wednesday.

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 9th, 2010, 6:13 pm
by MyGameCompany
Randomizer wrote:For a rogue you want to start with light armor, a melee weapon, pick locks, and maybe lore to identify the loot. Then add a range weapon when you can train for those hard to reach monsters.
I've never needed Lore until late in the game. I'd rather go with Skullduggery, Spot Hidden, or Move Silently.

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 12:53 pm
by Saxon1974
MyGameCompany wrote:
Randomizer wrote:For a rogue you want to start with light armor, a melee weapon, pick locks, and maybe lore to identify the loot. Then add a range weapon when you can train for those hard to reach monsters.
I've never needed Lore until late in the game. I'd rather go with Skullduggery, Spot Hidden, or Move Silently.
Yea Im waiting on the Lore till a bit later, right now building up my dodge and armor stats since most opponents to hit ratio againt me is better than mine on them.

Honestly I havent found much that I couldnt identify yet anyway.

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 1:58 pm
by Antigrav
I designed a nefarious rogue character, looking forward to the extra critical hits (nefarious damage). Hiding in shadows works very well, but to make it worthwhile, it's best to have a good ranged attack. Polishing my space bar while waiting for rubes to walk by me got a little tedious. Also consider that the ideal rogue attributes, dexterity and concentration, make for a great archer as well as lockpicker and trap disarmer.

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 2:33 pm
by Saxon1974
Antigrav wrote:I designed a nefarious rogue character, looking forward to the extra critical hits (nefarious damage). Hiding in shadows works very well, but to make it worthwhile, it's best to have a good ranged attack. Polishing my space bar while waiting for rubes to walk by me got a little tedious. Also consider that the ideal rogue attributes, dexterity and concentration, make for a great archer as well as lockpicker and trap disarmer.
I like your thinking, I will probably be heading my character in the same direction.

Hey is your Avatar from one of the Ultima game manuals? Love those old Utlima Manuals!

Re: Replaying Book I to get ready for Book II

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 3:55 pm
by Antigrav
Saxon1974 wrote:
Antigrav wrote:I designed a nefarious rogue character, looking forward to the extra critical hits (nefarious damage). Hiding in shadows works very well, but to make it worthwhile, it's best to have a good ranged attack. Polishing my space bar while waiting for rubes to walk by me got a little tedious. Also consider that the ideal rogue attributes, dexterity and concentration, make for a great archer as well as lockpicker and trap disarmer.
I like your thinking, I will probably be heading my character in the same direction.

Hey is your Avatar from one of the Ultima game manuals? Love those old Utlima Manuals!
It is! I loved the old spell manuals and drawings from the Player's Guides, especially from the Ultima III books.