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Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 7:21 pm
by RasterOps
There's no more food in the nearby village (next to home). There was far too little to begin with. There's no food in the forest, there are no nearby rats... There's no game (deer). I can't fish... I'm going to starve!

There are no torches being sold by anyone. All indications are that merchants don't restock... EVER.

This is ridiculous!

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 7:26 pm
by Randomizer
Merchants restock on the 8th day after you first visit that merchant. You can stay at an inn or your own house in bed if you really need to pass the time. Starving isn't that bad.

Torches are occasionally available in inn, but it's easiest to just pick them up from sconces on the walls, especially when you are leaving a dungeon that you don't plan on returning to later.

More food will be available in version 1.03 but you have to start a game with that version to have the food in places you have already visited.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 8:02 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
Stay overnight in an Inn. They feed you.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 8:24 pm
by Krafen
BasiliskWrangler wrote:Stay overnight in an Inn. They feed you.
Heh, that's too simple and makes far too much sense. It is easy to get caught in the game mindset.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 8:36 pm
by RasterOps
BasiliskWrangler wrote:Stay overnight in an Inn. They feed you.
But there was just a murder... The Inn keeper won't rent any rooms. Which doesn't make any sense.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 9:06 pm
by Rune_74
Yeah, why won't he just move the body out and let you stay geez...:P

Hint: There is more then one town.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 9:52 pm
by realmzmaster
Also invest in the foraging skill it will slow down your thirst and hunger meters, because you are living off the land. Also you can get reagents to sell or use.
Eventually you may come across the Draw Water scroll. If you have the divination skill you can learn the spell and draw water from the air to fill your water skins. You can also learn to create food.

So hang in there.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 9:55 pm
by Krafen
Draw Water is an Elemental spell. Create Food is Divination.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 21st, 2010, 11:48 pm
by dragonslayer
Create Food for the win, Rank 2 makes berry which also resolve the water problem, besides, Create Food = money making machine, i would suggest to make items created via create food or foraging worth 0 gold and can't be sold.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 1:07 am
by ManusDei
RasterOps wrote:
BasiliskWrangler wrote:Stay overnight in an Inn. They feed you.
But there was just a murder... The Inn keeper won't rent any rooms. Which doesn't make any sense.
Find another inn :)
In every other town, there is an inn where they will feed you.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 8:55 am
by RasterOps
Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions!

I only just made level 4. I am still working on nearby quests and have only completed (or partially) a few: The Eyeglass Mystery, Delivering the Letter to the Twin Brother, The Blacksmiths Decorative Sword and Dragonele (sp?) Nest. So, I haven't left the general area yet. Also at level 4 I have only invested in these skills and with these amounts:
  • Light Armor = 1
  • Dodge = 1
  • Mercantile = 6
  • Find Hidden = 1
  • Bow Weapons = 3 (free)
  • Swords = 3

I have restarted 3 times (more?) just dealing with this problem. More than once I intended to travel to somewhere else looking for food. I was out of food and would have surely encountered hostilities. Then I would have been wounded and unable to rest; waking from sleep due to starvation causing additional trauma.

This time I am doing better, barely, because I'm resting less to recover from wounds and I'm stealing just about everything, especially from the governor, chancellor, chambermaid, whoever he is; ah yes, the Constable.

I even blackmailed the Constable to complete the Blacksmith's quest without spending any of my own hard earned and insufficient gold coins.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 9:20 am
by KillingMoon
The quest I'm not seeing here is the one you get from the priest in Eastwillow. It takes you down to a dungeon area where there are quite a few mice. Although I can hardly imagine you haven't spoken to the priest...

I'm not very experienced myself yet with this game, but I found that level 1 foraging already made a big difference. Mercantile I didn't find very useful. I gathered a few levels and found it made just a few pennies difference. I've seen someone post that it even let you make money through buy low and sell high, but I'm assuming that's only on very high levels.

Probably, for better advice, you should post your attributes together with your skills.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 9:37 am
by RasterOps
I decided to skip the priest quest as I didn't know the difficulty of the dungeon, expected skeletons, zombies, etc., expected to be hurt; bad and alot, would need to rest and eat more rare food. Rat meat isn't very filling. Plus, since no shop sells torches, I must steal them just to see.

My attributes rock. I spent ~10 minutes re-rolling to get sweet starting attributes. After rolling, choosing my character, a Ranger and adjusting my stats, I ended up with this:
  • Strength = 20
  • Dexterity = 16
  • Endurance = 16
  • Speed = 16
  • Intelligence = 14
  • Wisdom = 14
  • Perception = 15
  • Concentration = 16
So now, here I am looking for another town and instead I find a bandit camp... Is there a road, a signpost perhaps? I don't know. I have NEVER played this before. EVERYTHING is new, which is good! I am wandering through the wilds trying to find these elusive towns with Inns getting beat up along the way. If I survive... well... I might have more stuff and EP.

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 11:04 am
by RasterOps
30 f'ing gold for a room??? I may be starving and wounded but that is insane!

No, even with 6 Mercantile skill I have no money. 30 gold for a room would be ~25% of my total. Unacceptable! This is true of the cost of food and supplies as well, including arrows. I can get arrows for 1G each. 5 misses and there goes 5G...

I'm getting frustrated. Although I made it to Everdale, I reloaded and am back in Eastwillow. Not enough money, too many misses and combatants seemingly too tough; yeah I gave up.

Yes I switch combat modes consistently. I almost always use Finesse for bow shots. Five misses later...

Re: Where's the Beef?

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 12:08 pm
by Krafen
It sounds like you might be better off playing without hunger and thirst. It is an optional rule for a reason.