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Q&A - Ask a question, Get an answer

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 6:29 am
by BasiliskWrangler
As several members have mentioned, a general Q&A thread is probably needed to keep the forums a little cleaner. This thread should be questions only. Comments, suggestions, or ideas should be in another thread.

When possible, we will point to the answer as it exists elsewhere (existing interview, forum post, feature list) rather than re-answer it. Thanks!

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 9:56 am
by Sanctus
When will the game be in beta stage?
Use an aproximate date...

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 11:10 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Here's the definitive answer on where we are at:

The engine is essentially "feature complete", but if a cool idea comes our way we might still try to stick it in there. However the bulk of the coding is done.

Right now we are cranking out content...maps, quests and graphics. We are still fine tuning the GUI and overall difficulty of the game. We're seeing things that work well and things that don't, so the game is still undergoing fundamental changes internally. This is really where all the elements come together to make a game.

As much as we'd like to give everyone a solid date, we just can't. Being wrong on release dates is a good way to piss off your potential fan base, so we are just saying "it's done when it's done."

So you asked about the beta stage (to help us test, I assume?) Beta testing will happen 6-8 weeks before the release date, which is "when it's done." :wink:

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 11:42 am
by Gallifrey
What sort of combat system does the game use? Are there a number of options for "fighting styles", or is a fairly simplified system? Can a character specialise in, say, archery, or using two weapons at once, or use more "unusual" weapons like throwing knives, that sort of thing?

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 1:14 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
Combat is turn based point-and-click. When you click the mouse button on a hostile creature, an attack is assumed and all the rolls are made. The outcome of your turn and the enemy's response is calculated instantly and played out.

Yes, there are combat options. Besides the standard attack, each Class will have an attack style that is unique to them and is based on associated Skills. For example, the Rogue gets a "Backstab" attack option, but only while using a dagger and only while the charcater is hidden by use of the Skill Move Silently or Hide In Shadows.

Yes, you can specialize in archery, thrown weapons and/or unarmed combat. You might be able to use a bow exclusively, but you suffer a 50% accuracy penalty for enemies in an adjacent square (5 feet away), so it's best for archers to be skilled with an alternate weapon. Also, arrows are an inefficient way to bash down a door!

Many other factors affect combat that the player needs to remember: line of sight, visibility of enemy, and range for example. Increased skill in any weapon improves your chance for critical strikes as well as maximum damge, while increased skill in armor categories increases damage reduction when you are hit.

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 1:31 pm
by Sanctus
Ok I'll wait for the betatesting as long as it takes....
Another question...

Can you analize objects?(I seen that in a screenie I think)
And ca you interact with most of them?(like brake,take,smach and so on)

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 1:47 pm
by Gallifrey
Opposite from combat, how will the game provide for and accomodate non-fighting resolutions to situations? Is it possible for, say, a "silver tongued" thief to talk and sneak his way through the game, or is combat an unavoidable eventuality?

Will the game be purely single-character, or would it be possible for, say, a diplomatic merchant/trader to hire a bodyguard?

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 9:05 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
This is old-school RPGing, so combat is a big part of the gameplay. But it's not hack-n-slash...E:B1 isn't a Dungeon Siege railroad venture filled with sword fodder. You can gain skills that will help you avoid combat (through stealth) and if you were careful you could get pretty far without fighting, but your character will advance much more slowly without that source of XP. There will be some situations where combat can be avoided through diplomacy, but that's not really a "feature" of the game.

As for a hiring an NPC to help you, we'll see! :wink: We have the code in place but we need to work out some kinks before we can promise it as a feature. If this feature makes it in, NPCs will be completely autonomous. They will fight and do their own thing without your input. This will truly be a solo RPG.

Posted: August 21st, 2006, 9:20 pm
by BasiliskWrangler

You don't manually analyze objects in the game. Clicking on an object tells you what it is and it's apparent condition. If it is trapped, your "spot hidden" ability is checked to see if you actually see the trap or not. If you don't see a trap, your charcater will assume it's safe (sometimes incorrectly). Everything is as automated as possible while playing.

Yes, most of the important objects like doors, chests and barrels can be bashed, disarmed, picked, etc. You can't take chests or barrels with you.

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 12:50 am
by Killer Kitty
Can we expect a varied world that rewards exploration?

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 7:00 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Definitely! Free exploration is a big part of the game. Some parts of the world even exists for "no reason"...meaning, no quest or part of the storyline requires you to visit there. Players will be rewarded for wandering off the beaten path.

There are environments that exist beyond what has been shown in the screenshots, so yes, the world is as varied as most RPGs are.

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 8:01 am
by EvilManagedCare
You've mentioned non-violent solutions to quests through diplomacy. Will the player be awarded XP for doing so or for unlocking dialogue such as in Planescape and Fallout?

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 8:26 am
by BasiliskWrangler
You can gain XP from many of your actions and sources within the game. In the particular instance I mentioned, there is no right or wrong way to handle that dialogue. Diplomacy is just one method, so extra XP is not rewarded just because you choose to go that route.

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 8:32 am
by Gallifrey
On the topic of XP, is it earned through successful use of skills, or is it predominantly earned through combat and quest completion?

Posted: August 22nd, 2006, 8:51 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Old-school: combat and quest completion.