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Infinite Space

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 7:18 am
by sier
It's Monday. I haven't slept in two days... hell, I didn't even got out of bed. My arms and elbows hurt from holding that damn Nintendo DS. I didn't even intent to buy that damn thing in the first place...

It all started when I downloaded an emulator and a ROM copy of GTA Chinatown Wars. The game had no story to speak of, but it was fun stealing cars and terrorizing the city. The only downside: the emulator was way too slow to enjoy the game.

Long story short, I went to Amazon and got myself a DS Lite and the Chinatown Wars module. Thinking to myself, buying a console for the sole purpose of playing a single game is kind of crazy. So I went looking for other DS games worth playing.

That's how I stumbled upon Infinite Space. The poor GTA module didn't make it out of the packaging at this point. I really got soaked up by Infinite Space, it may very well be the best RPG I've ever played (at least I can't remember playing anything that comes close to it).

I feel unable to write a review that lives up to this masterpiece because I'm not a native English speaker. If you have an old DS laying around somewhere, give this game a try, it's awesome.

I've played 40 hours straight and I don't think I'm half through the storyline yet. And I really need some sleep...

Re: Infinite Space

Posted: June 29th, 2010, 7:57 pm
by Evnissyen
Eh... Sier, um...

Well, don't know how to tell you this, but...

Well, you see: Once upon a time there was this guy. He had a cool avatar. He joined the Basilisk Games forums way back in 2008. Around the same time I did.

He didn't post much, to be honest. Maybe some 13 times.

And then... oh, hell... how should I put this?

Well... it's like this... don't get angry but...

Well, here it is. I don't know if it happened just overnight? Or if you've been living with this for a few days, but... um...

Okay, I'll just come right out and say it really fast.



There. I said it.

I hope you get help. :?

Otherwise, I'd miss you.

Re: Infinite Space

Posted: July 3rd, 2010, 3:12 am
by sier
See, hm, i'll say it really fast too:


Seriously, how did you get that idea? :(

Re: Infinite Space

Posted: July 8th, 2010, 4:16 pm
by Zeno
Um, bot? What? He just went on a hiatus, I guess, and decided to come back. Sorrrrttttt of like what I'm doing right now. :)

Anyways, I looked into Infinite Space a while ago just because I love Platinum Games (or, more specifically, their former group -- Clover Studio) but avoided it after I heard it's not hugely polished. Plus, there's apparently no quest log! How could that ever work?!

Re: Infinite Space

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 7:35 am
by Evnissyen
Just joking, Sier. :)

You sounded like an advertisement, there, is all.

Re: Infinite Space

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 6:21 pm
by Heavy Metal Monk
I've had my eye on that game. From the information I've seen of it, it sounds quite a bit like Uncharted Waters for the SNES and Genesis. (the second one in particular)

Minus the open world of course, the ship customization and crew mangement sounds very similar.