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Same registration key valid for windows, linux and mac ?

Posted: August 4th, 2010, 1:29 am
by aceventura7682
I plan to buy Book 1 in the near future. I saw the links to purchase it are specific for windows, linux and mac.

Does it mean that the registration key is not valid for all 3 versions ? If I plan to play on Windows and Mac, do I have to buy one copy or two ?

I know that Book 2 works this way (one key unlocks all 3 versions).

I know it's available on Steam, with Steamplay, but I'd rather buy it directly from Basilisk, so that the developers get a max revenue out of it.

Thank you, and sorry if the question has already been asked (I searched for it but didn't found it).

Re: Same registration key valid for windows, linux and mac ?

Posted: August 4th, 2010, 7:17 am
by Kreador Freeaxe
Yes, one key unlocks any of the versions. With Book I, since there is a separate demo and game file, you will need to e-mail BW with your purchase information and which version you already downloaded and he can activate a link for you to download the other version you want.

Re: Same registration key valid for windows, linux and mac ?

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 5:48 am
by aceventura7682
ok, thanks for the clear explanation.

Wouldn't it be a useful addition to the FAQ of Book 1 ?

Re: Same registration key valid for windows, linux and mac ?

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 7:03 pm
by CrazyBernie
Book I doesn't use a registration key, so no, the information would not be useful for the FAQ.