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Camping suggestions

Posted: February 16th, 2011, 6:16 pm
by KillingMoon
A thread by Donleon made me think how camping could be implemented a bit differently. I think my thoughts have wandered off in a different direction, and maybe wouldn't solve what Donleon regarded as a problem, but they're too interesting not to post here:

A tent:
A tent the player can take along, giving the ability to rest, or the tent can be left at home, but then no resting. :) Make the tent weigh something like 17.5 lb. The strategical choice is obvious; players that don't rest get rewarded, because they save weight, but players that like to rest can still do this.
There's some stimulation here for players to play effectively - to rest less.
In the current game the tent is already graphically represented when you're resting, so this idea would fit in easily.

No XP from monsters spawned by resting:
This might spoil it a bit for some, as I've seen threads where players are going on about their ideal camping spots for XP gain, but it's a bit of an exploit, isn't it?
I'm currently playing a game called Divine Divinity, not too unlike Eschalon, and this game's got a unit called Skeleton Conjurer in it. Get near this Skeleton Conjurer and it spawns skeletons. Of course it's a baddie, this unit, and at first I thought I was clever by letting them live for a while, so that they provided me with more skeletons to kill, until I figured out that these conjured skeletons didn't give me a single XP point! :lol: Now I'm just making short work of these Skeleton Conjurers, and I think the game's better that way - not allowing the exploit.
You could translate that to what's happening in Eschalon with monsters spawned by resting. I personally find that would be better - no XP from them, keeping the gameplay straight.

Re: Camping suggestions

Posted: March 12th, 2011, 5:29 pm
by Ladez