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Medieval Sims

Posted: March 2nd, 2011, 3:21 pm
by Dragonlady
Came across this game the other day. It looks sooo cool, even though I generally am not 'into' Sims games.

Go to this link on wiki"

Among other things in the wiki article it says:
the game's senior producer, Rachel Bernstein stated that the game will be more dangerous for Sims, with death and failure a possibility during the game's quests. Listed dangers included low focus on quests, plague, peasant revolts, wildlife, poisons, duels, and more[4].

Re: Medieval Sims

Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 11:47 pm
by Arkos
I was interested in it at first, but then I learned it was not generational. You can have kids, but they never grow up (like in the Sims 1). I loved the idea of having a dynasty, with the kingdom passed down through generations, but looks like that's not the case here.

Also, you can't design buildings (only their interiors). There are other 'traditional' Sim elements that have been removed, as well. They may be added later on in expansion packs or in DLC, I don't know. But for the moment, the vanilla game seems kind of...what's the word the industry loves to use? Oh, yeah. "Streamlined."

Re: Medieval Sims

Posted: March 4th, 2011, 3:42 pm
by Dragonlady
I wouldn't know. The last time I did a 'Sim' was on my Amiga and kept a little dog alive and happy. :lol:

Re: Medieval Sims

Posted: March 30th, 2011, 8:30 pm
by Dragonlady
Just thought I'd let everyone know I've been trying to learn how to play this game. It looks so cool but there is a heck of a lot of stuff to learn that is NOT in the manuel and you have to learn in the game. I keep trying and get a little bit furthur into the game each day but I get over whelmed and have to stop before my brain frys :D When and IF I get as far as playing I'll let you know more how it goes. Right now I'm not sure I can continue on. It is soooo not like turn-based games! :)

I think if anyone already likes Sims and plays them often, they will love this game.

The forums are not much help at this point. :(

Re: Medieval Sims

Posted: March 31st, 2011, 9:24 pm
by Rush
Arkos wrote:I was interested in it at first, but then I learned it was not generational.
I like the "generational" thingy as well, although the last game I played which featured this aspect was Phantasy Star III...way back in the day.

Re: Medieval Sims

Posted: May 20th, 2011, 2:51 pm
by Dragonlady
Your welcome. I haven't had much chance to play it. Got too sick for several months and have Avadon to try and get into too. I've had to watch how long I play games these days as it seems, for some reason I can't figure out, raises my blood pressure too high. :( No more carefree days of playing till the wee hours of the night. :evil: :roll: