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Posted: November 21st, 2011, 10:22 am
by Painted Lady
They just made NWN Book 2 available on the Mac App store. Having heard good things about the game I thought it ought to be a fun RPG. However, after playing the tutorial I became discouraged with the combat system.

Maybe it's just me, but I really miss turn-based combat. I'm looking at my main guy and the other party members are doing their thing - whatever that is. There isn't any way to control the spells the Wizard is casting or to have my group gang up on one guy for strategic reasons. Where is the the fun in watching the show rather than directing the action?

Thank you BW for turn-base RPGs!!!!

Re: NWN 2

Posted: November 21st, 2011, 10:46 am
by quasimodo
I couldn't agree more. This game would have been awesome with TB combat.

To me playing the game means watching every character's attack, figuring the damage, and planning the next attack. In a real time game like NWN2 even with a pause the action is too concentrated to take in everything so you have to just let the computer AI play your party. So instead of playing the game myself and having fun I have to watch the computer play the game (badly) for me.

Re: NWN 2

Posted: November 21st, 2011, 9:31 pm
by blatherbeard
None of my friends got it when i told them that NWN 2 (or 1 for that matter) didnt have REAL turn based gameplay. They always say, YOU CAN TURN ON THE PAUSE!!.........NOT the same as true turn based gameplay.

IMO also, 2 was a pretty uninspired update of the first NWN and the voice acting was SO bad that it pulled you out of the game.

the dwarf you come across at the inn just after you leave town is pretty much the only npc with any kind of real voice actor with feeling.