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A New Game

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 11:08 pm
by Vroqren
Well. I once played a RPG Forum Game, and to be honest, it was the most fun forum game I've ever played. I can't claim credit for any of this game. In fact, I copy and pasted the rules from the forum I originally played it on, and only made a few minor adjustments. So don't give me credit. Here's the synopsis -

There are 12 players. Each is randomly given one of four roles. Here are the roles.


Villagers' main goal is to eliminate all the cultists. Villagers can do so by voting every day against a person they most likely think is a cultist. The person who accumulates most votes, dies by hanging.
Villagers must work together, but they do not know who is a villager, or a cultist pretending to be one. That means that the villagers in reality, have to trust no-one, but determine who is who, on their own, via speculation and analysis.
As a villager, you may post your speculations openly, but doing so may bring the wrath of the cultists upon yourself, you may die, but your speculations are available to everyone. If you don't tell other people anything and die, you will take all your knowledge with you into the grave.

DURING THE DAY: Villagers cast a vote against a person they most likely think is a cultist.
DURING THE NIGHT: Villagers can't do anything.
VILLAGERS WIN IF: All the cultists are dead
VILLAGERS LOSE IF: The number of surviving villagers is equal or less than the number of surviving cultists DURING THE DAY.

Cultists' main goal is to eliminate the villagers along with the seer and priest. Cultists also vote during the day, but they don't have to vote against each other, to ensure their survival. If possible, they can vote out an innocent one instead (but beware, doing so without good reasoning can bring suspicion!). Cultists can vote each other out to ease suspicion though.
During the night the cultists must decide together (Via PMing each other) whom to eliminate, failure to do so, results in a death of a (randomly chosen) cultist, whose identity will be revealed to everyone! If you are eliminated by the cultists during a night, you will be allowed to write your own death scene. (Make it as epic as you'd like, but you do have to end up dead.

DURING THE DAY: Cultists vote against one person.
DURING THE NIGHT: Cultists decide together, whom to kill.
CULTISTS WIN IF: The number of surviving cultists is equal or greater than the number of surviving villagers DURING THE DAY.
CULTISTS LOSE IF: All the cultists are dead.

The Seer helps villagers. During the day, the seer votes against a possible cultist along with villagers, but during the night the seer can look at one person and see his/her role (Villager, Cultist, Priest). If the person being looked at turns out to be a Villager or Priest, then they can set up an alliance and exhange information. If the person is a cultist, then the seer can start to drop subtle hints, but doing so can reveal your status as a seer.

DURING THE DAY: The Seer votes against one person (The Seer's vote counts for two).
DURING THE NIGHT: The Seer looks at one person to determine his/her role.
THE SEER WINS IF: The Seer survives the game. (bonus points if villagers win :) )
THE SEER LOSES IF: The Seer dies in the game.

The Priest also helps villagers. During the day the priest votes against a possible cultist along with the villagers and seer, but during the night the priest can protect one person during the night. The protection only lasts one night, so in order for it to be effective, the cultists must also attack the same target, thus making this nightly action slightly harder to be accurate. If the protection is successful, then the person being protected is not killed. The protected person does not know if he/she was protected, or if he/she was attacked. The cultists won't know who protected their victim. The priest can also protect himself/herself or the seer.

DURING THE DAY: The Priest votes against one person (The Priests vote counts for two).
DURING THE NIGHT: The Priest protects one person.
THE PRIEST WINS IF: The Priest survives. (bonus points if villagers win too :) )
THE PRIEST LOSES IF: The Priest dies.

EVERYONE has to vote during the day. If you fail to vote, then you'll be marked with one idle, upon three idles, you will be eliminated from the game, and be banned from the next game.
In order to vote, you must send a PM to the GM account (Me). The PM must include the username of the person being voted out, along with your role.

If the votes are tied:
If the votes are tied, then the day will be extended and everyone, except the people being in the tie, must vote again. Noone else can be voted against, except the people in the tie. If another tie is reached, then one of the people in the tie will die via a coin toss.

If a person dies, he/she will turn into a ghost. A ghost can still talk to other players, however, they cannot reveal any new information or speculate. They can quietly watch and just comment on the game. Ghosts can speculate among themselves and reveal their motives, but not to the living players.

Day and night
A day lasts for 24 real-time hours.
A night lasts for 24 real-time hours.
That means one day/night cycle lasts for 48 hours (2 real-time days).
This cycle can be longer, if the daytime voting ends up being a tie.

This is a game, votes against you are not to be taken seriously.

Just thought I would mention this. If anyone would like to play, please PM me, don't post here. We'll reserve this board for the actual game. I will take the first 12 PM's I get, so don't feel sad if you didn't make it. If this goes well, we can try to do more rounds. Please also note that while signups are open as soon as I post this, the actual game will not start for a couple weeks, due to me being out of town. Sorry in advance. I will at least try to give you all roles before I leave.

Don't tell other people your roles! The cultists will be notified who other cultists are as to avoid killing each other. Other than that, nobody should know who anyone else is!

Players for round 1 -
/Game Face
/Lord P(?)

I still need 10 players, as a game with two players wouldn't last long. At all.

Thanks in advance for signing up! I hope you enjoy it.

Re: A New Game

Posted: July 6th, 2012, 12:38 pm
by severian
I`ve played this as kind of a LARP, but it was a Mafia variation - citzens, mafia members, the Don, the Mayor, etc.

sometimes it`s necessary to fetch pieces of some dark cloth for each player, so they will not peek.