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I am in awe over these games

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 3:00 pm
by deathknight1728
I really think that the Eschalon series are some of the best games made in this decade. Im having a blast with Book 2 and I would really like to see other game companies model after Basilisk Wrangler. Usually it takes a little while to get into the story, but once Im into it and have a cool class, there's no getting out.

Ill say it once-there's a reason why whenever I start playing fallout 1 and 2, I can never get too far into it. Why? Because as soon as I do, I think why not play Book 1 or book 2 or the Quest. They do everything and better.

When I finish this game Im going to praise the word for a few days, its the least I could do. I might write a few reviews too so expect a few new fans :mrgreen:

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 3:08 pm
by SpottedShroom
Wait, are you saying you think the Eschalon games are so much better than Fallout 1 and 2 that you can't enjoy playing them?

I like Eschalon a lot, and all, but in my opinion the original Fallouts are among the best games ever made for any platform.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: November 29th, 2012, 10:30 pm
by noname
SpottedShroom wrote:Wait, are you saying you think the Eschalon games are so much better than Fallout 1 and 2 that you can't enjoy playing them?

I like Eschalon a lot, and all, but in my opinion the original Fallouts are among the best games ever made for any platform.
I most emphatically agree. I still play fallout 1 and 2, fallout tactics, sometimes even though I have them memorized.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 9:17 am
by deathknight1728
For some reason, games like those mentioned, I really wish there were more solo character turnbased games. There really are not enough of them.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 8:22 am
by Rotnefson
Just out of curioisity, what is it about turn based, single player games that makes them stand out?

Is it just the fact that you control the pace, or is the content different? Could you play a turn based super mario game for an example?

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 5:01 pm
by Randomizer
Turn based is easier for those with slow reflexes and want to take time with their moves. Some real time games are a pain if you need to change actions for several characters in a multi-character party or love to map. That's why I never got far in Bard's Tale.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 10:46 pm
by deathknight1728
Rotnefson wrote:Just out of curioisity, what is it about turn based, single player games that makes them stand out?

Is it just the fact that you control the pace, or is the content different? Could you play a turn based super mario game for an example?
Theres much more replayability in turn based rpgs because you can specialize/use different skills that affect combat/gameplay and make the game play somewhat different to entirely different. Also for me, I can get through a real time or real time with pause rpgs fairly easy. Add turn based and the game becomes really challenging (for me) as Im not the best with tactics.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 11:53 pm
by blatherbeard
Ill also add that most turn based rpgs have a much better storyline, for whatever reason, than most other rpgs of any variety, esp arpgs.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 9:02 am
by Lord_P
The easy controllability is what makes turn-based games so good. I don't mind real-time, but turn-based is better in party-based games (although I prefer single character).

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 10:26 am
by noname
One thing among many that irritates me about rts games is the hectic speed. The makers of the game use cutting edge technology for the best graphics possible and create mind boggling scenes and monsters in great detail but I cannot enjoy it because I'm too busy pounding the keyboard and using the mouse to stay alive. Many times I have wanted to stop and just look at the monster I was fighting and appreciate the time and talent that went into its creation. I can remember many battles where I didn't even know what I was fighting or what kind of mob attacked me. It was over so quickly, usually with me dead. I have heard teens say that they like the adrenaline rush, well let them join the army and volunteer for a hot spot somewhere in the world. From personal experience I can tell them that they will soon get their fill.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 11:58 pm
by Lord_P
I tried to enjoy Starcraft 2, but the micromanagement required was just too much for me. I would be lagging behind the other players, forgetting to train units and build additional pylons.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 11:52 pm
by leshpar
Rotnefson wrote:Just out of curioisity, what is it about turn based, single player games that makes them stand out?

Is it just the fact that you control the pace, or is the content different? Could you play a turn based super mario game for an example?
From what I've seen of Paper Mario Sticker Star that is exactly what it is: a turn based super mario game. I know all the mario RPG games have had turn based combat, but sticker star feels less like an RPG and more like. . .well, something unique.

Re: I am in awe over these games

Posted: December 20th, 2012, 9:40 pm
by deathknight1728
From what I like of turn/party based games, I am more into party based games that rely less on tactics and more on stats/skill usage. It allows you to play around instead of using the right tactic to get the direct result. When I first played Avernum 4, I thought it was a lot of fun because you are basically going blow for blow like Baldurs gate instead of the battle disciplines of later games. The cool thing about that kind of rpg is that it is much more replayable due to different build types and strengths. You have to experiment with stats like I did when I first played Baldurs Gate 2.

I like the current Avernums and Avadon series but you get moved across the room and knocked all over the place in Avadon moreso, it gets annoying. Avernum is much more direct.

The cool thing about Eschalon Series is that while there are disciplines to each weapon, its still very much like Avernum 4 for melee.