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Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 1:04 pm
by deathknight1728
I know that no one probably cares but I do. Avadon is one of my favorite games and up to this point, my favorite spiderweb game. Get it now for $7.99!!

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 5:33 pm
by SpottedShroom
Awesome! I don't remember how much I paid for it, but it was money well spent. I would have paid even more for an easier boss fight.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 9:49 pm
by Kreador Freeaxe
SpottedShroom wrote:Awesome! I don't remember how much I paid for it, but it was money well spent. I would have paid even more for an easier boss fight.
I've never taken on Redbeard at the end. I really don't like fights that are like treading water for 45 minutes to an hour.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 11:54 pm
by Painted Lady
Kreador Freeaxe wrote: I've never taken on Redbeard at the end. I really don't like fights that are like treading water for 45 minutes to an hour.
Actually it took me 2 hours. But - it was worth it to finally grind through to the big ending.

What a battle it was! Actually, it has to take pretty amazing programming to design something so evenly balanced that it could take so long to complete. I can truly say that once was enough...

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 8:42 am
by Lord_P

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 10:06 am
by deathknight1728
Lord_P wrote:YOU CURSED SPOILERS!!! :lol:
Dont worry, these are no spoilers. Jeff has stated numerous times that Redbeard will likely be one of the main endfights for at least Avadon 1 and 2. He stated that the reason he was so tough for 1 is because your fighting him in his state of power, where he is basically at his peak.


Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 10:08 am
by Painted Lady
You mean Redbeard actually survived my onslaught and will reappear in Avadon II?

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 3:33 pm
by deathknight1728
Painted Lady wrote:You mean Redbeard actually survived my onslaught and will reappear in Avadon II?
Of course he survived. Didnt you see the ginger kids episode of southpark. He is a daywalker and not to be trifled with. I should know as I am daywalker too. I'm not tough like redbeard though, lol.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 1:34 pm
by sirdilznik
I have to go back to this game and give it another try sometime. For whatever reason, I can never get into any of the Spiderweb games. I play them for a few hours, get bored, and lose interest and just never have any motivation to go back. They just don't appeal to me. I know they're good games, and I can see their appeal, but they just don't click with me. I sometimes feel like I'm missing out, but at the same time, should I really be forcing myself to play something I'm not particularly enjoying? Maybe I'm just not doing it right?

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 3:32 pm
by quasimodo
I also had a hard time getting into Vogel's games. They don't have the sort of visual and audio charms that Eschalon has to get you hooked from the start. They are also generally slow starting in that it takes quite a few levels to get to the point where there is much in the way of tactical choices. If you stick with them long enough, however, they do pay off.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 8:49 am
by MyGameCompany
I've noticed that too. Now that I'm about 15 hours into the game, it's extremely entertaining. But the first hour or so was a bit slow.

On the negative side, Avadon's graphics are primitive compared to Eschalon, and there is very little sound (no in-game music, no ambient sound that I've noticed, and minimal sound effects). The game world is also not as open as Eschalon, in that you can't go anywhere/everywhere from the start of the game - more parts of the world are unlocked as you go (though it doesn't feel as confined as that makes it sound). And I find it a bit annoying that different characters are asking you to investigate certain areas for various side quests, but you can't get there until you talk to the one correct character and he/she unlocks that area for you. That bugs me.

But on the positive side, the story is well-written and deep. It really sucked me in. There is a great variety of quests and side quests, and they're not all the same repetitive "find/fetch object" quest. Some are that way, but others have you hunting some creature, looking for someone and then helping them when you find them, etc. And I like the dialogue trees, and how some choices (not all, but some) seem to affect what happens in the game. Also, controlling a party vs a single character makes it interesting (especially since he's given such personality and backstory to each character in the party). And it's a HUGE game with a LOT of content.

Overall, I'm enjoying it and hoping I won't have to wait long for Avadon 2 once I finish the first.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 9:55 am
by Painted Lady
MyGameCompany wrote:
Overall, I'm enjoying it and hoping I won't have to wait long for Avadon 2 once I finish the first.
The latest word is that Avadon 2 will be out this fall. Perfect timing! We have Eschalon Book III this summer so that will make for a great second half of the year.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 3:42 pm
by MyGameCompany
Painted Lady wrote:The latest word is that Avadon 2 will be out this fall. Perfect timing! We have Eschalon Book III this summer so that will make for a great second half of the year.
Excellent! Color me excited!

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 8th, 2013, 11:55 pm
by Lord_P
MyGameCompany wrote:I've noticed that too. Now that I'm about 15 hours into the game, it's extremely entertaining. But the first hour or so was a bit slow.

On the negative side, Avadon's graphics are primitive compared to Eschalon, and there is very little sound (no in-game music, no ambient sound that I've noticed, and minimal sound effects). The game world is also not as open as Eschalon, in that you can't go anywhere/everywhere from the start of the game - more parts of the world are unlocked as you go (though it doesn't feel as confined as that makes it sound). And I find it a bit annoying that different characters are asking you to investigate certain areas for various side quests, but you can't get there until you talk to the one correct character and he/she unlocks that area for you. That bugs me.

But on the positive side, the story is well-written and deep. It really sucked me in. There is a great variety of quests and side quests, and they're not all the same repetitive "find/fetch object" quest. Some are that way, but others have you hunting some creature, looking for someone and then helping them when you find them, etc. And I like the dialogue trees, and how some choices (not all, but some) seem to affect what happens in the game. Also, controlling a party vs a single character makes it interesting (especially since he's given such personality and backstory to each character in the party). And it's a HUGE game with a LOT of content.

Overall, I'm enjoying it and hoping I won't have to wait long for Avadon 2 once I finish the first.
Mm... I agree. The ambience isn't as major as it is in Eschalon. And yeah, exploring an entire map to find the one guy you need to talk to. That was especially irritating in the first part of the game. Dragon wants me to destroy Wretches, but I can't go to Wretch Warrens. Why on earth? Do I need to make another character, since my first one was made in the demo? I found the npc I needed to talk to, but it was just silly that the dragon didn't unlock the area for me.

Re: Avadon on Good old Games-Huzzah!!

Posted: February 9th, 2013, 12:19 pm
by Painted Lady
I don't know how complete SW's non-disclosure agreement is, but I would be amazed if Randomizer weren't part of the Mac beta testing crew. Maybe he could tell us when it actually starts...........