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Cheats? [Potential spoilers]

Posted: November 26th, 2007, 2:26 pm
by Tecknomage
Please, be nice. No rants, to each his own :|

Are there console cheats?

If yes; how do you enable/use, list of.

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:04 am
by Glyth
no cheats but the games easy to hack with cheat engine

thoe i mean gold skill points and arrows and stat points

i wana hack scrolls thoe so i can learn every spell but its not as easy as spell force :/

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:09 am
by Jaesun
No console cheats, which is a good thing.

There really is no reason to need cheat commands for this game.

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:17 am
by Glyth
meh the new breed of gamer cheats for fun and what would be more fun then haven every spell at ur finger tips

and if there are console cheats the cfg file is the key to unlocking it

heh i succeded in dupe hacking but when i alter the value it crashes 0.0

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 12:59 pm
by Tecknomage
Glyth wrote:no cheats but the games easy to hack with cheat engine

thoe i mean gold skill points and arrows and stat points

i wana hack scrolls thoe so i can learn every spell but its not as easy as spell force :/
"cheat engine" :?:

What do you mean?

URL link to what you use would be nice.

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:02 pm
by LethalBlade
Why cheat?

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:16 pm
by Wharyoo
I don't like cheats, but in the case of this game there is one (1) and only one reason why I'd like them: to help testing and debugging without ours of replaying just to try out a high level skill or can access to high level areas. :)
Other way cheating is not much fun...

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:25 pm
by agnari
cheat engine I assume he is referring to is in all probably a hex editor of some type.

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 1:26 pm
by mortification8
Cheating ruins the fun of the game.

That said, there are two easy ways to cheat if you really want to. The first is to use a Hex-Editor program such as UltraEdit 32 to change the attributes for your character. What you do is actually open up the save game files and edit the numbers/values in there. You have to be careful not to edit the wrong thing, and you have to know how to convert between Hex and Decimal (and about little-endian versus big-endian), but using this method you can pretty much change ANYTHING in the game, even the maps if you want.

This would be a good way to, for example, raise your cartography skill to 15 and walk around to see what effect it has. Or to test out what difference high-level Survival makes. So for bug/feature/balance testing it can be a very valuable tool. Not sure if you want to go fighter or mage? Edit up a character and play a little with each before you decide on your "permanent" character.

The second method is to use a program called ArtMoney which I believe is what the earlier poster was referring to with "cheat engine". This is a much easier technique for people who are novice computer users. What ArtMoney does is to watch memory values in real-time and allow you to write directly to memory. So, for example, you can have ArtMoney going and when you raise your Strength from 11 to 12 you can detect the address that this information is stored, and change the number to 20 or 30 or whatever you want.

This is a "safe" method because you then allow the game to make its own save file. This method also works on games that are "cheat-proof" for the most part although for certain games like Diablo or Spellforce you may have to be very clever to circumvent the anti-cheat techniques that the programmers used. Detailed instructions are available on the ArtMoney site.

Eschalon is a very open game (which makes sense given that there are plans to release an editor) so it is easy to "cheat" if you want. However I do not reccomend it because the game is short enough and straightforward enough to beat without cheating and is much more challenging and fun if you don't cheat.

And no, I'm not including URL's. If you aren't smart enough to figure out how to Google the info then you probably aren't smart enough to use the tools.

Posted: November 27th, 2007, 2:07 pm
by Glyth
cheat engine is better then art money and if u google it u can find it

2. this game isent that open

the scrolls are hard to hack to the next one many trys and fails
and i realy want all spells in this game :/

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 5:59 am
by Wharyoo
mortification8 wrote:Cheating ruins the fun of the game.

That said, there are two easy ways to cheat if you really want to. The first is to use a Hex-Editor program such as UltraEdit 32 to change the attributes for your character. What you do is actually open up the save game files and edit the numbers/values in there. You have to be careful not to edit the wrong thing, and you have to know how to convert between Hex and Decimal (and about little-endian versus big-endian), but using this method you can pretty much change ANYTHING in the game, even the maps if you want.

This would be a good way to, for example, raise your cartography skill to 15 and walk around to see what effect it has. Or to test out what difference high-level Survival makes. So for bug/feature/balance testing it can be a very valuable tool. Not sure if you want to go fighter or mage? Edit up a character and play a little with each before you decide on your "permanent" character.

The second method is to use a program called ArtMoney which I believe is what the earlier poster was referring to with "cheat engine". This is a much easier technique for people who are novice computer users. What ArtMoney does is to watch memory values in real-time and allow you to write directly to memory. So, for example, you can have ArtMoney going and when you raise your Strength from 11 to 12 you can detect the address that this information is stored, and change the number to 20 or 30 or whatever you want.

This is a "safe" method because you then allow the game to make its own save file. This method also works on games that are "cheat-proof" for the most part although for certain games like Diablo or Spellforce you may have to be very clever to circumvent the anti-cheat techniques that the programmers used. Detailed instructions are available on the ArtMoney site.

Eschalon is a very open game (which makes sense given that there are plans to release an editor) so it is easy to "cheat" if you want. However I do not reccomend it because the game is short enough and straightforward enough to beat without cheating and is much more challenging and fun if you don't cheat.

And no, I'm not including URL's. If you aren't smart enough to figure out how to Google the info then you probably aren't smart enough to use the tools.
/agree, /deepbow

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 8:56 pm
by Glyth
stop saying cheating does this cheating does that blah
cgheatings funs becuz i hacked hide in shadows i dont have to worry bout getting ambushed and becuz i hacked weapon s i got one hit kills so those pesky guards dont bug me 0.0

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 9:08 pm
by Brother None
mortification8 wrote:Cheating ruins the fun of the game.
Yes. Though I find, for myself, that after I played through an RPG 3 or 4 times, thus having finished all the major possible paths, a fun replay opportunity is simply to make a God-like character by editing and then run it through. It's just an extra option to play with, from that perspective.

Posted: November 29th, 2007, 3:02 am
by Iane
Glyth wrote:cheat engine is better then art money and if u google it u can find it

2. this game isent that open

the scrolls are hard to hack to the next one many trys and fails
and i realy want all spells in this game :/
You don't need to find the scrolls but if you really wanted them I might find - what you should look at is the "Attribute points" and "Skill Points" either on next lvl up or new char - OH! and you just need to know how to use Artmoney - my test char is lvl 21 with all skills at 30 and attributes at
120 :wink:

Posted: November 29th, 2007, 6:29 am
by GSV3MiaC
Glyth wrote:stop saying cheating does this cheating does that blah
cgheatings funs becuz i hacked hide in shadows i dont have to worry bout getting ambushed and becuz i hacked weapon s i got one hit kills so those pesky guards dont bug me 0.0
Cheating apparently ruins your ability to spell though. Or even use the spell checker provided. I wonder if Babelfish can translate .... 8>.