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Incorrect hp / mana on double level up

Posted: November 30th, 2007, 6:51 pm
by Loriac
Only realised this after the post the other day about class adjustments to hp and mana on level up, i.e. fighter types get +1 hp, -1 mana whereas mage types get +1 mana, -1 hp on level up.

If you wait til you have enough experience to level up twice (e.g. wait til you have say 2000 xp before leveling up for the first time) then the class adjustments only get applied once, not twice.

E.g. a mage character who normally gets 5hp, 6mana on level up will get 11hp, 11 mana on a double level up (I could never figure out why this happened until the post BW made re: class adjustments).

I'm guessing that if you were to wait til you could level up 3 times, the class adjustment would still only get applied once.

Posted: December 1st, 2007, 6:37 am
by bezimek
Yes It is strange :(

btw. - fighter class level up.

Posted: December 1st, 2007, 10:06 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Yep, I checked this. Everything is correct, except for the Class balance which is only getting applied once rather than 1 x number_of_levels_gained. I will fix in next update, but overall this is extremely minor and would have minuscule effect on your character.

Besides, who skips leveling?? :wink: