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Wish List for Book II {Compiled}

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 11:23 pm
by Iane
I Decided to Compiled all the Wish Lists for Book II into one Post to make it easier for BasiliskWrangler to read everyones great Ideas and make it easier for everyone else to see what has been requested already.

This post is not finished - it's ongoing and the Wish list is in no particular Order - 99% of Ideas are from other users on forum and I don't claim as my own in most cases I have just copy/paste from selected pages.

*Added my me

1]Resolution of 1024x768 (Wide screen support)

2]Run Mode

3]More Quick Travel Locations *Dunno about this do you really want ala Oblivion where everything is done for you

4]Larger Cities & Dungeons *I'd like to see multi level dungeons and Cities also

5]More dialog options - NPC's - notes - Books - "City newspapers" etc

6]More Quests*also a quest to complete a quest :lol:

7]Game event Log Book - *Remove the dialog window and create seperate log book that saves everything - this would also serve to make playing area little bigger.

8]Random worlds - *Map/Quest Editor so we can create own Mods to extent Playability

9]Big Map to show location of Player in world

10]An Alchemy book that adds recipes as you find them, as well as adding a recipe as soon as you successfully learn a new one

11]A hot key or button to auto equip/un-equip shield (to quickly allow you to use a torch).

12]More save slots

13]The ability to drag a stack of ingredients into the alchemy window. Heck, if the game can tell me I am not allowed to use more than a single ingredient, why can't it just take one and return the rest to the inventory,
preferably to the slot where I took it from?

*Expand on this by allowing you to make more than one potion at a time - so if you had 5 each of correct ingredients and 5 Bottles - you make 5 potions - depending on experience of char

14]Game world statistics Log - like "Nastiest Beastie Killed", "Most Damage Done and To Whom", "Number of Beasties Killed", "Number of Locks Picked", "Total Gold Found/Received", "Total Gold Spent", "Percentage of All Quests Completed", etc...

15]More weather effects

16]A storage area *My Idea would be to have them in the magic Guilds and make them Magic Chests (need to purchase them and maybe have a fee for service) so when you goto any Magic guild in a town/city your chest is there.

17]Own a house *purchase stuff from shops to outfit them

18]Keyring (A Must Have)

19]Automatic stacking. When you pick something up, have it automatically stack on the same item if you have that in your inventory/quickslots *Annoyed the hell out me when game told me my inventory was full even though I had a Stack of same items

20] *How about finding your own Alchemy Ingredients - have sales in shops at minimum and find the rest in the wild also have slow respawn of ingredient - Also I'd like to have the Alchemy recipes written on paper removed from game - alot of the fun is experimentation and finding out what does what etc - I was doing this till I found the lists and so the fun went out of it.

21]The ability to build a campfire. They are all over the place, but you can't build one.*Can be used for Fletching/Crafting

22]Slower day and night

23]More Complex and Varied Weapon Skills

24]More Complex and Varied Achemy Skills

25]More Complex and Varied Magic Skills

26]unique Names for unique items

27]hotkey bar on the bottom of the screen for spells/potions etc

28]import your character from book 1

29]ocean and River travel

30]fletching/Crafting etc Armor Repair & making.
Maybe the ability to make your own torches. Wood harvested from the trees, some oil and rags..
mix oil with normal arrow = flamable arrow).
-Elemental arrows. Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison.

31]A mini-game in the taverns (dwarfen-dice or something)

32]A Beast-Knowledgebase.
Also in the Bestiary, maybe if you damage an enemy with it's vulnerability (Say you hit a slime with fire, and it is vulnerable to fire) it notes it's vulnerability on it's page *nice have book filled in with each encounter.

33]Ability to join guilds

34]environmental snow...need winter gear....or take damage.


36]more dungeon riddles with switches / floor plates and portcullies more complex Traps etc

37]More complex economy

38]bigger multi-tile monsters

39]I'd like water bombs, attached to my arrows, so I can disable torches from afar by shooting at them... then, when all is dark I'd slip in and kill those bastards in melee.

40]At best (for Book II) I could make shop owners close shop at a certain time (doors locked, torches out) and they just go straight to bed for 8 hours, allowing you to pillage their store if you are quiet enough. This is hardly AI though- it'd just be a scripted event that all NPCs do.

41]Food/Water will definately be part of Book II, which will balance out the "free" ability to camp whenever you want. *include food/water gathered from wilderness and how about fishing

42]Alchemy of more than 2 components

43]Quickload button

44]*Save Game files saved into installed path of game and not "My Documents"

All Spelling Mistake (c)Iane :D

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 11:26 pm
by Rune_74
Funny I was going to go through all these and compile an email for him, good to see you do this.

There are alot more things horses;) Keep up the good work....

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 11:29 pm
by Iane
Yep heaps more to add - still running through all posts

Posted: December 4th, 2007, 2:02 pm
by Gothmog
Great....makes it easier to add new ideas.

Posted: December 8th, 2007, 7:42 am
by nackidno
Bigger World, or at least expand the current with a little more of Eshcalon.

Multiplayer mode, for like 2-8 players. (With shared Exp, loot etc *if in group*) Of course with importing SP chars.

Dual Wield = rules

Posted: December 8th, 2007, 8:02 am
by alpha

Posted: December 9th, 2007, 2:26 am
by Jaesun
Books or Journals found *VERY randomly* would start a new quest.

This would be a great thing for re-playability.

Another game used this, but it's name escapes me. But just posting this suggestion. I *really* liked this.

Posted: December 9th, 2007, 4:13 am
by Ihsan
I think running could be more then just a way to get around quickly. You should be able to run in combat, it could have the same type of effect as a haste pot. But there could be a new stat "stamina" or something and this is depleted as you run around, perhaps the draw back is if you run out of stamina you are extra slow and vulnerable.

I think this could be rather handy for bow / magic types and it would also give people the ability to run across the land.

Re: Wish List for Book II {Compiled}

Posted: December 9th, 2007, 12:36 pm
by Wex
Iane wrote:2]Run Mode
3]More Quick Travel Locations *Dunno about this do you really want ala Oblivion where everything is done for you
If running is possible, there is no great need for more quick travel locations. That said, quick travel doesn't make much sense as it is now. For instance, why can I QT from Bordertown to Blackwater, but not to any area in between?
Might&Magic uses similar map system, but they have Town Portal spell instead of QT, which makes more sense. (They also have ships, carriages, teleports and running :)
Iane wrote:16]A storage area
17]Own a house
Consider some form of instant travel for such spots.
Iane wrote:27]hotkey bar on the bottom of the screen for spells/potions etc
I don't think assigning potions to hotkey is that important in a turn based game. Opening the inventory is easy enough, and drinking potions neither that frequent nor requiring precise timing. I mostly use existing hotkey bar as extra inventory space anyway.
Spells, on the other hand, just scream for a quick-bar.

I would ask for NO randomizing loot on opening a container. It forces me to reload at every chest until I'm satisfied with the seed. Let it be fixed at entering map or at the start of a new game.

While on that track, a random item generator could be a good thing, Something as in ... ah, Diablo style. Currently, there are too few different items. For instance, I found a dozen rings that give +3 to alchemy, but no amulets for that skill. Or rings +2 or +5 alchemy. Or rings +1 to alchemy, +1 pick locks and +1 lore.

Posted: December 9th, 2007, 12:44 pm
by alpha
There is some kind of protection agains save-loading at every chest, I am sure. Every time you get items that are worse and worse.

So have fun reloading lol :D

more suggestions

Posted: December 9th, 2007, 10:59 pm
by Starkz
love the game, still only about 3/4 the way through my first run through. Giving me flashbacks to M&M and Bards. fun stuff.

Do have some suggestions for Book 2 though. I had look through the lists and I'm pretty sure these havn't been brought up, but if they have, sorry for repeating.

- Custom portraits. I used to have a set up portraits that I would use for all my crpg's. Made it like I was using the same characters for different adventures. Would love to be able to use them for Book 2.

- Weapon sets. My only gripe with the game at all is having to un equip the shield every time I use my bow or torch.

- An on screen button for "X". I like not using the keyboard at all if I can help it. Clicking "X" is the only time I do. Would be nice to have an onscreen version.

The only other have been covered, but I'll add my vote to them - Run, and Auto stcking in the inv.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 1:16 am
by Rune_74
You can use custom portraits.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 1:21 am
by Laudimir
I haven't played the game as I'm waiting for the mac port, but I like the idea of tiered skills paired with increased specialization.

Example: Melee>Bladed>Longbladed>Longswords>etc.

One must needs start at the bottom to reach the top. This could be done with fighting styles, as well.

Example: Ambidexterity>Dual Wield>Improved Dual Wield (or perhaps a Wpn specialization for dual Wielding)

This could be done with magic as well, and would probably be best used with a scaling cost to increase skill levels (perhaps by making the rate of increase dependent on class and/or attributes).

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 3:54 pm
by Wex
alpha wrote:There is some kind of protection agains save-loading at every chest, I am sure. Every time you get items that are worse and worse.

So have fun reloading lol :D
I don't have fun reloading. But I don't have fun opening empty chests all the time either.

I found no evidence of such a protection and I see no reason for it anyway. Imho it is easier to determine items only once and circumvent the whole thing.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 7:57 pm
by Starkz
Rune_74 wrote:You can use custom portraits.
seriously? how did I miss that? was one of the first things I checked. my bad :) good news for me then. cheers.