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Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 28th, 2013, 5:36 pm
by zbonek
Subject fun.
We continue to speak.
Уставший английский, пишите по русски.По полски. По финнски.
Все равно не поймут.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 28th, 2013, 5:47 pm
by deathknight1728
This is really getting ridiculous. Each thread you have proven nothing. What is the point of this? Whats even better is he is speaking in Putin
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 28th, 2013, 5:54 pm
by zbonek
deathknight1728 wrote:This is really getting ridiculous. Each thread you have proven nothing. What is the point of this? Whats even better is he is speaking in Putin
Доказательства давай! А то какого-то Путина привел тут, ты Обаму не любишь? Ты Путина не любишь?
О чем с таким можно говорить?
Эшалон - классная игра, большой ее минус что разработчик не умеет поддерживать перевод на другие языки.
BW - твоя недоработка. Из-за твоих косяков всякие уроды пытаются мне что-то сказать.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 28th, 2013, 8:23 pm
by BasiliskWrangler
I sort of like zbonek. He is like that annoying neighbor that you hope goes away, but he keeps coming back and then you just become familiar with him.
zbonek - what do you want me to do? Say it, please in English, how I can improve your enjoyment of the game. Please ignore Prismatic Maelstrom, and just talk to me right here. Let's get this figured out right now.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 5:59 am
by zbonek
Я просто хочу чтобы Вы предусмотрели возможность нормального перевода в третьей книге.
Если смотреть видео в ютубе (да и Вы писали на форуме) книга III, почти не отличается от книги II, следовательно будет возможность ТОЛЬКО перевести на другие языки диалоги. Что есть плохо.
Для перевода моего сообщения на английский язык можете воспользоваться google translate.
C уважением к BW и без уважения к PM.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 6:20 am
by zbonek
Да легко, из фильма про Афоню. PM стоит во дворе и орет что zbonek ему рубль должен.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 7:23 am
by BasiliskWrangler
zbonek wrote:I just want to you should consider the possibility of transfer of normal in the third book.
If you watch the video in YouTube (and you wrote on the forum) Book III, is not very different from Book II, so will only be possible to translate the dialogue. What is bad.
To translate my posts into English can use the google translate.
C respect to BW and without respect for the PM..
I've already said that when Book III is finished, we'll let fans translate the text files (this is dialog, books, and narrations). When this is successfully done, we will then let those same people translate graphic menus and internal text (things like notifications and such). When all of this is finished, we will be able to offer everyone a "drop-in" language package that will sit on top of Book III and convert the original game into the new language. It is really the best way for us to offer translations of the game without making it too easy for the game to be fully hacked and repackaged.
Is this okay to you, zbonek? Do you understand what I am saying?
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 8:40 am
by Painted Lady
I think he wants you to let him hack and repackage the game..........
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 9:02 am
by BasiliskWrangler
Painted Lady wrote:I think he wants you to let him hack and repackage the game..........
I'm getting that feeling too. No software company allows that. No one.
Now, if he wants to get some investors and buy the Russian rights to the game, I'll be happy to negotiate a deal that will allow him full access to all the files, and he can repackage the game and sell it exclusively in Russian territories.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 10:51 am
by zbonek
>>I've already said that when Book III is finished, we'll let fans translate the text files (this is dialog, books, and narrations). When this is successfully done, we will then let those same people translate graphic menus and internal text (things like notifications and such). When all of this is finished, we will be able to offer everyone a "drop-in" language package that will sit on top of Book III and convert the original game into the new language. It is really the best way for us to offer translations of the game without making it too easy for the game to be fully hacked and repackaged.
Я это понимаю,BW ты же сделаешь возможность для перевода только диалогов (смотри французкий для книги II). Мы же тебе говорим о ПОЛНОМ переводе.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 11:51 am
by BasiliskWrangler
zbonek wrote:Я это понимаю,BW ты же сделаешь возможность для перевода только диалогов (смотри французкий для книги II). Мы же тебе говорим о ПОЛНОМ переводе.
No, I'm not saying "only dialogs". Translate the dialogs first, show me you have the time and skill to do it properly, and then I will allow you to do all the menus also (I'll send you the graphic files and you can change them yourselves, or you can tell me what each menu item says and I'll update them myself). When it is finished I'll put the whole package online for everyone to have access to it.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 12:05 pm
by zbonek
No, I'm not saying "only dialogs".
Я тебе показал как переводится, плохо, коряво, но переводится.
When it is finished I'll put the whole package online for everyone to have access to it.
Форум был, ты его закрыл. Программы для перевода exe файла я тебе отправлял.
Дай мне ссылку на французкую версию книги II? Где переведенены не ONLу диалоги?
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 12:14 pm
by zbonek
Читаю и смеюсь.
Даже добавить нечего.
BW твоя отличная игра в России даже с переводом продаваться не будет. Все держится на таких энтузиастах как я.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 12:18 pm
by zbonek
No, I'm not saying "only dialogs". Translate the dialogs first, show me you have the time and skill to do it properly, and then I will allow you to do all the menus also (I'll send you the graphic files and you can change them yourselves, or you can tell me what each menu item says and I'll update them myself). When it is finished I'll put the whole package online for everyone to have access to it.
Мы вроде "правильно" и перевели. Насколько ТЫ позволил. Перевод выкладывался на ФОРУМЕ, ты часть его сам одобрял. Вспоминай. Смотри.
Re: Support for Russian users 4
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 1:44 pm
by zbonek
BW Я тебя уважаю и так далее...
Давай ты ПРИШЛЕШЬ мне файлы, я их изменю, И ТЫ СДЕЛАЕШЬ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ для перевода на разные языки. А не как для Книги II.
Когда ты это сделаешь, я не буду писать на этом форуме и скажу тебе СПАСИБО.