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How about some IWDII while waiting for Eschalon?

Posted: January 28th, 2014, 5:58 pm
by Leezar

Annoyed by the lack of activity on this forum, I decided to try and get a thread started. The subject of the thread is "What is your IWDII dream team?". I go first, since I started the thread and all.

We start the IWDII party out only with the greatest person that ever lived, that would be me;

Leezar Tiefling Sorcerer Chaotic neutral
Ah, Leezar, ever the rascal. Impulsive, playful, inventive and individualistic, no one can deny he is chaotic neutral. Born to three otherwordly witchies he is a tiefling, and with inbreed magic powers, he is a sorcerer. Well, actually a warlock, but they do not have that in DND.

Also, he is immune to ordinary weapons, only magical ones suffice, so we have to add resistance to non-magical weapons with Dale-Keeper.

Stats Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Leezar 14 14 16 9* 11 18*
Since sorcerer spells are charisma based, I did a little switcharo on Int and Cha there, it is actually the other way around, thus the asterixes. Not exceptionally strong or agile, but still strong and agile.

Alright then, now that we have a spellcaster, we need two thugs to keep opposing thugs at bay while we cast our spells from a safe distance;

Kai Elf Monk Lawful neutral
Undead is not avaible as a race, and assasin is not avaible as a class, however, elfs live fucken forever and never ages and are all pretty to look at but emotionally cold just like Kai. Since Kai is unarmored and fight with his hands, well hands and claw-thing, he is also clearly a monk in the world of D&D. As an undead assasin without a will of his own, instead just performing whatever task whomever happens to be in controll of him at the moment requests, he is clearly lawful neutral.

Stats Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Kai 15 15 25 14 14 14
Kai is agile, but not that agile, and strong, but not that strong. His real advantage is that he is basically immortal and unkillable, as long as he doesnt run out of insect blood, and lets just say he has a shitload of that in his backpack. Since his brain is enhanced by computer force, he has a natural charisma and knows a shitload and literally have several lifetimes worth of experience, his Int, Wis and Cha should all be 18, but as we all know, his undead-computerised rigid thinking severly limits his imagination, and he occasionally makes irrational assumption and awkward social mistakes due to this, which limits him to 14.

Anakin Human Barbarian/Evoker Chaotic evil
As an evoker, he is prohibited from the enchantment school, which is accurate considering his abysmal failures of using his suggestive Jedi powers; virtually everyone and everything ends up hating and opposing him save out of fear.

As is clearly demonstrated after he cuts down a bunch of sand people in a fit of rage in the second movie, Anakin is not a well disciplined soldier but a bloodthirsty berzerker.

Anakin is actually lawful evil, believing in authority and order, but due to barbarian alignment restriction we have to make him chaotic evil.

Stats Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Anakin 14 18 16 16 10 14
Clearly an ordinary human, well other than his magic talents, nothing in his stats stands out. Like all jedi, he is in excellent shape, but much more agile than strong.

Now then, what party is complete without a spiritual leader to tend to our religious needs?

Mab Gnome Druid/Sorcerer Neutral evil*
Queen Mab, defender of the old faith and sorceress extraordinar, what could she possible be other than a druid/sorcerer. Although much more druid than sorcerer - maybe 2:1 level ratio? She is actually much more powerful then the game engine allows, so I just use dale-keeper to add a couple of spells as innate abilities. She also specializes in summoning, but that does not work well with DND rules, so I guess she should focus of transmutation then? She is actually chaotic evil, but again, class restrictions.

Judging from her physical appearance and outspoken non-human heritage, she is clearly a gnome.

Stats Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Mab 12 10 14 13 14 18*
While infinitely knowledgeable, her wisdom should be much higher, but due to her poor judgement, we have no choice but to limit her to 14. She is, however, not the brightest candle in the temple, constantly coming up with ridicoulous plans that never works out and getting tricked time and time again, even by vagrants and stay-at-home moms. When it comes to charisma, she is clearly not a looker and she is about as pleasant as wasp inside a diving suit. HOWEVER, since D&D base both druidic spells AND sorceress spells on charisma, and she is a fucken powerful spellcaster we have no choice but to jack it up to max. Just with the asterix as a disclaimer to remind us that it is actually around 7 or something - and that is with counting her otherworldy lure. Finally, she does not have any athletic ability to mention, instead relying entirely on magic.

Of course, in the words of Gandalf, you always need a burglar;

Barb Wire Half-Orc 1lvl ranger rest thief True neutral
A mercenary and a bounty-hunter, she is clearly a ranger, as is also demonstrated by her wielding two guns at the same time, and as a former soldier she should obviously have at least one level in any of the fighter classes. However, she is more of an assasin and have demonstrated her knack of getting into places where she is not welcome, so she is also a thief. Thus, lvl 1 ranger, rest thief.

She is human, but with that face and that body, who can deny her orchish hints? Add to that her demanour, and it becomes obvious that she is a half-orc.

Not giving a shit about nothing or nobody, hardly even herself or her brother (whom she still decides to avenge), she is a true neutral.

Stats Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Barb Wire 16 16 14 10 16 12
In excellent physical condition... for a girl... her half-orc heritage also adds to her physical strength. While she is lacking in real smarts, she has street smarts a-plenty, rasing her wis to 16. Not that a thief would need it, but still. Due to DND rules giving intelligent characters more skill points, which is what a thief also needs plenty off, we need to use Dale-Keeper to add a shitload of skillpoints to compensate for shitty rules.

What are we lacking? That's right, a popular front to not scare potential employers of, as well as a charismatic leader to keep this rag-tag band of self-absorbed arseholes focused on the task at hand (and well away from each others throats);

Name Race Class Alignment
Yvaine Asimar Bard Chaotic good
Yvaine actually is a certified celestial body, so what race could she possible be, other than Asimar?

Stats Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Yvaine 13 15 12 15 9 20
While in excellent physical shape, she is certainly no athlete. Inexperienced about the world and naive like few, her wisdom is low, but she catches on quick, so she has a good head on her shoulders. To her defence, her charisma is literally otherworldy, which is proven again and again how she enchants everyone with her mere presence. Well everyone except dark-hearted witchies and princes that is. Nonetheless, she is more than well suited at keeping everyone happy and smiling through the ordeals that are to come.

IWD I best fit: Since we get even less choice here, we must adapt them as close as possible.
Name Race Class Alignment
Yvaine Human Bard Chaotic good
Kai Elf Ranger Lawful good
Barb Wire Dwarf Fighter/Thief True neutral
Leezar Human Mage Chaotic neutral
Mab Gnome Druid Neutral evil
Anakin Half-Elf Fighter/Mage Lawful evil

Who could possibly put together a better team? Fairly sure YOU cant.
(Yes, that is a challenge)
I added the portraits also, but since there seems to be limitations on size, I had to made them all in gif-format, which means you can can not use them unless you resave them in .bmp in say