POLL: What’s your favorite RPG format?

Celebrating 10 years as an Indie Developer!
Basilisk Games is 10 years old! We would have never thought in 2005 that we’d still be here working on games in 2015. Time flies when you’re having fun, as they say!
To celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we’ve redesigned the website. Our last update was 6 years ago, so yeah, it was time (edit: although, with all the trouble we’ve had during the upgrade, no wonder we waited six years to do it. -BW). We’re also giving away some free T-Shirts with the new Basilisk logo. Visit here for a chance to win one. We’ll have other specials in the next few weeks.
Oh, and we’re sorry that we’re not quite ready to announce our next title. Rest assured that our next project is being worked on as you read this. More info to come…
RPG Watch Interview with Thomas Riegsecker
Basilisk Games founder Thomas Riegsecker was recently interviewed by RPGWatch, discussing game development, Eschalon, and the future. Check it out:
Link: RPGWatch interview
Riot Pixels RPG of the Year
Eschalon: Book III is nominated at Riot Pixels for several GotY awards including Best RPG and Best Sequel. If you agree, head over and give it a vote!
PowerPC version of Eschalon: Book I for free!
Looking through some old files, we’ve found a copy of the PowerPC version of Eschalon: Book I. Those of you that have vintage Macs sitting around can still get some enjoyment from it, so here it is: the full Mac (PowerPC) version of Book I!
Notice: we are unable to offer any support for this software, so if it doesn’t work for you, we’re sorry! Also, people are going to ask about the PPC version of Book II. It does exist, though we haven’t located the files for that game yet. When we do, we’ll be happy to post it too.
Thank you for a great 2014!
Dearest Fan/Customer/Friend:
The staff at Basilisk Games want to thank you for a wonderful 2014. The final Eschalon game was launched last February and marked the end of a long road for us. Thank you for being part of it!
As for 2015 and beyond, all we can say right now is that a number of projects are brewing here in the studio. We’ll be working on a few smaller titles outside the Basilisk Games label while we continue to develop our next RPG franchise. There is also a growing number of requests from fans to see the Eschalon series rebuilt with a HD widescreen engine, additional content and extended storyline. Anything is possible; the future is bright with unlimited possibilities, much like it was when we started Book I development back in 2005!
Thanks again for your support. We will see all of you next year!
Thanking Indie Developers #13: Basilisk Games
Gamer Headlines posts a nice blog thanking us for our Eschalon series. Aw, thanks guys!!
Steam version of Book III updated to 1.021
Better late than never, heh? You can update through your Steam client.
A New Eschalon: Book III Review
Gizorama reviews Book III, giving it a solid 4/5. Thanks!
Steam’s Summer Sale has begun!
Get the Eschalon Trilogy on Steam for every platform (that’s like a total of 9 games!) for less then $10!