Just a thanks...

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Just a thanks...

Post by Hawkwind »

BW, I know you've been busy with the servers being down, and answering all sorts of technical support questions and hints in the forums. I just wanted to let you know how much your and your team's hard work has been appreciated. I've been a fan since Eschalon I, and as I mentioned on Facebook, this finale has not disappointed. My frustration is that I will never know which of my decisions was the right one... Your work is worth way more to me than the retail price I paid for the game.

My sincere wish is that the game is, for you, an economic success. The game -- no, the series -- at least for this old-school gamer, has been a SMASHING success.

I can't wait to see what Basilisk Games has in store for me next.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by Vroqren »

Cheers. I full heartedly agree with this post.

Thanks BW for the excellent game, I've enjoyed it (and will continue to do so).

Check out my walkthroughs:
Character: here
Book I: here

Book II: here
Fathamurk: here
Book III: here
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by jwrickert »

Amen!! Great game. And thanks so much BW, Alphas & Betas for all the hard work. I've been playing almost constantly since I got it on Friday Morning. It's so smooth you almost forget you're playing a game on a computer.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by Eddy »

Hear, hear!

A big thank you for the entertainment. I cannot begin to express how much I love the play of the Eschalon series.

It's like I'm a kid again playing the "Ultima" series. Except when I was younger, I would sneak and play when my parents were asleep. Now I play when my kids are sleeping. :lol:

Thank you!
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by blatherbeard »

I know i came late to this party as i had never heard of the series til someone had mentioned it on another forum. Found it on steam, and knew i was part of something special, especially after playing them and coming to these here forums and finding a great group of people.

thanks BW and all your crews hard work.

Its probably only the second game ive ever bought on launch day aside from 1 or 2 other AAA titles. And i also think its pretty worth a mention that i put 38 hrs into E1, 115hrs into E2, and i imagine E3 will capture me as much or more than E2. the only other games i have that much time in are Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Malevolence. (helps that im a tester for the last one lol)

Thanks for all that you do and will do in the future.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by willwill »

Eschalon Book I was the one that bought me back to gaming world. I grew up in 80's and 90's and we played lots with computer with my brother. If games were not too easy I just watched my brother play. Eschalon brought back good old days (but now I was able to play myself).
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by munster »

Agreed - thanks for the great series, all the fun along the way, and the wonderful community on here. I hope that, despite the bad start to the launch day, sales will do very well and that BW can go on to develop his next smash hit.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by VDK »

Ive never played Ultima's original games. But I saw the 9th Game and I much prefer isometric like eschalon. Turnbased single player is way to go. Turnbased party is cool too. But I play most games with a single badass protagonist. Its definitely cool and more realistic to play a group of chars that use their skills to get by. But have you ever wondered if it was all on one guy and he had to come to grips and make a successful, balanced and deadly profession of skills that work. That one character can whip 2 of the said 3 group if he had the chance.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by peko »

Hear, hear!

I've been onboard since the early days of Book I and loved every minute of it. The Eschalon games are in my opinion among the best games released this millenium.
It's just awesome to get some old school turn-based isometric goodness but with some of the modern day conveniences like a quest list, auto-map and a streamlined interface.
Brilliant work! I can't wait to see what you get up to next.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by Leezar »

I'll join in on the praise.

I have like 150 games in my GOG shelf, and I have not even played half of them, and half of those I have played rarely more than 1/2-3 h, and of those that I have played more than that, I have rarely finished them.

But Eschalon sucked me in and made me neglect my other responsibilities.

I dunno how exactly that scores Eschalon on a graded scale, but for sure high.

Thank you BW.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by Kreador Freeaxe »

I'm only just a few hours into Book III, but I've been in this forum a long time waiting for this and I'm not disappointed yet. I've already killed myself a few times with dumb decisions. Starved to death after I got tape worms and ate all the food and couldn't figure out who sold a cure ailment potion. Ah, joy. :)

I am looking forward to searching through the rest of the game. Thanks, BW.

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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by Palog »

Joining OP in a thank with a slight regret that the series ends. Book 3 first play was a great experience, for me the best of the 3 books, but could be just I don't remember well enough previous books. Even if I regret this third book wasn't a bit more big than book 2 and at reverse it is a bit smaller, but I appreciated a lot the design quality of exploration, secrets, trick and sort of puzzles/riddles that have an excellent balancing, not too easy, no too difficult. And I also appreciated a lot how Book 3 design targeted a high density of stuff to do, and avoided fillers or repetitions.
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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by Glossome »

BW: You've got my thanks as well. I only found the Eschalon series about a year ago (and burned through the first two in about a month). I've been lurking the forums since then, though, keeping my ear to the ground for Book III. Tried to stay up late enough on 2/13 to see if it was released before I had to sleep/work and watched the site go into meltdown (ended up getting it through GoG 'cause I couldn't wait any longer).

I played as a 75%/25% fighter/rogue for all three books now and, after reading a number of people's experiences at playing mages, am planning on doing another run through of all three books as one.

Grew up on Ultima III/IV (although VII/VII Part 2 are still my all-time favorite games). I ended up playing Eschalon I-II back-to-back with the Avadon games, but that series just ... didn't hold me like E. did and still does. I can't stand MMO's (I play games partially to get away from people, not encounter more of 'em) and I just love the old-school flavor.

I know Book III is the final act in the Eschalon arc, and I haven't read anything about what (or even if) you're planning on doing beyond it, but I sincerely hope you'll continue as you have been, making sweet, sweet games for people who greatly enjoy them.

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Re: Just a thanks...

Post by MyGameCompany »

My thanks too! I can't count all the hours of enjoyment I've got out of your games. These are among the few games that I continue to play and replay, even years after I originally got them. Well done!
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Check out my Book III mods: The Mystery of Rockhammer Mine and Expedition into West Mirkland
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