Arx Fatalis (pc version)

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Arx Fatalis (pc version)

Post by Aerick »

Arx-Fatalis in my opinion will always be a classic, though I would think that it went unnoticed by many. I loved the story, the atmosphere and the level of immersion that the game succeeded in giving me as a player.

The (pc) spell system took a little bit for me to get used to since it was not a conventional system, but quickly faded from the foreground to the background and did not hinder my experience at all.

The setting takes place completely underground where ratman, trolls, and humans live amoung other things. Racial tension is high as these races struggle to live under these bad conditions. I loved that the story kept you underground as it was a change for me and that you had a wide array of objectives and tasks to complete.

The thing that stood out for me was that at the time I played it, it was a very very different type of adventure from the other titles that were out or that had been out.

- Eric
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Post by Feidb »

I played most of it but got stuck in one spot, then my computer crashed and I never reloaded it again. Oh well. I seem to rememer enjoying it too.
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Post by BasiliskWrangler »

I loved it but never finished it due to it's linear design and not being able to figure out how to open a gate into the last sections of the dungeon. Quite simply, I was stuck and gave up. But yes, it's a classic.
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Post by Toxic »

Very good game. Compelling story that keeps you going.

I remember quitting towards the end as I had to do a series of "fetch quests" one after the other and made me lose my will to finish the game.
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Post by Horace2 »

I finished it, fun game.
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Post by GSV3MiaC »

I finished it too, although there was one 'jump from window' iirc which could only be accomplished at a particular screen resolution (and then only just) - the physics was so close that at a higher screen res you would always fall short (into the lava).

Maybe the fixed that later. The spell casting annoyed some folks too ..
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