I've killed everything inside the crypt. I've been around the back to the left to the gate but can't figure out how to open it.
I've looked at the rings on the wall in the tunnel but my cursor doesn't cahnge on any of them.
I've opend the chest and found 2 shelves with items on them.
How do I get across to the back right past the gate?
Tangletree ossuary
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Never mind, used an arrow on the switch!
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Wow, now I feel silly. I had NO IDEA you could attack inanimate objects until I startted reading these forums.
Thanks for posting the answer to this one--I came looking for it.
Thanks for posting the answer to this one--I came looking for it.
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Dwally wrote:I've killed everything inside the crypt. I've been around the back to the left to the gate but can't figure out how to open it.
I've looked at the rings on the wall in the tunnel but my cursor doesn't cahnge on any of them.
I've opend the chest and found 2 shelves with items on them.
How do I get across to the back right past the gate?
That sounds like where I'm stuck. Your next post says you used an arrow on the switch, but I can reach it with neither arrow nor spell. Just tells me the target is obscured. Seems my character can't even see it. What am I missing?
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Try taking a step or two to the right.
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Yep, tried that. Either side of the space just in front of the gate is a black square and I can't move to those. A step back and left gives me the same "obscured" message.
Is that adjacent square supposed to be something other than black and unusable? Is my game "broken?" That's more or less what I've been thinking.
Oh, and thanks for your quick reply to my question.
Is that adjacent square supposed to be something other than black and unusable? Is my game "broken?" That's more or less what I've been thinking.
Oh, and thanks for your quick reply to my question.
- Kreador Freeaxe
- Major General
- Posts: 2440
- Joined: April 26th, 2008, 3:44 pm
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Step back from the gate until you can move right of it two spaces.
Kill 'em all, let the sysadmin sort 'em out.
Kill 'em all, let the sysadmin sort 'em out.
Re: Tangletree ossuary
Yeah! That was it: I wasn't moving BACK far enough to "see" the lever. Thanks for the help. I've been stopped by that same gate for 5 days.
- blatherbeard
- Officer [Gold Rank]
- Posts: 417
- Joined: July 20th, 2011, 5:35 pm
Re: Tangletree ossuary
There is also a back entrance from Northern Crickamir(sp?)
The armies joined in a bloody battle on this fine day, then storm clouds broke, and it rained.
So they all went home.---Story knots within blatherbeards Beard.
So they all went home.---Story knots within blatherbeards Beard.