Hi, we’re still here!

posted in: News 43

How have you been?

Us? We’re still working on our next game. 🤔 Perhaps we’ll have an announcement later in 2023. Glad to see you’re still stopping by from time-to-time!

43 Responses

  1. babaduku
    | Reply


  2. vidder
    | Reply

    Damn, what happened? Please do continue. Eschalon 4?

    • Basilisk Games
      | Reply

      We’ve been working- sometimes on our own project, and sometimes helping other developers with theirs. But we’re back to working on our own stuff full time, and we’ve made some great progress in the past 6 months.

      • RedCoatsLounge
        | Reply

        I just stumbled across your team and your work this week.. HOLY HEAVENS IS IT WONDERFUL! Thanks going out to the GOG crew for putting it on my radar. I’m currently testing the waters with the first book before I dive into two and three.

  3. John Nixon
    | Reply

    Any chance we will ever get an android version of any of the eschalon books?

    • Basilisk Games
      | Reply

      Sorry, John. No. Because of the language/compiler we used to make the Eschalon games, they would need to be re-written from the ground up to be on Android or iOS. I’m afraid the number of sales we’d make just wouldn’t justify the time it would take.

      • IJBall
        | Reply

        This may, or may not, be a really dumb question, but: Could AI do it?
        (Assuming you still have the original code, stored somewhere…)

        If AI could convert the old code to a decent gaming language, even partly, it changes calculus on how worthwhile a project it might be…

        • Basilisk Games
          | Reply

          It would still require so much hands-on work, even using A.I. It’s not just about converting raw code from BlitzMax to JavaScript; there would have to be extensive rewrites to the control input, file handling, dynamic resolution between phone brands, etc. A lot of the game’s systems would have to be refactored on Android, not to mention it would all have to comply with Google’s app requirements. A.I. can translate syntax line by line, but that doesn’t mean functionality is going to be retained between a PC and a Phone after it’s compiled.

          I’m sure someday A.I. could handle the complete conversion, but that day is not today.

          • IJBall

            FTR, I wasn’t thinking necessarily about Android specifically – just curious if a working version of any of that, iOS, Windows, or MacOS might be possible (using A.I. to “shortcut” the process).

            On your end, I would view it as a “hobby project” only, anyway – It would just be interesting if you could get a “working” version of any of the original games in a decent gaming or programming language after an A.I. recompile and a bit of “tinkering”.

            While it would be great to “fix” a lot of the original issues (on my end I always hoped the “respawning” issue could be licked), at this point I’d simply be looking to buy a version that can natively run on “modern” MacOS (or even iOS).

            But, like I said – on your end, this shouldn’t be a priority: just a “tinkers project” for off-times.

  4. Fahad
    | Reply

    Hi Basilisk Games team,

    I would like to thank you for your game book of eschalon which was the first open world RPG game I have played and enjoyed and after all these years it is still in my mind (eschalon nostalgia).

    I frequently visit your website hoping to see news or updates but never find any, but today I found your post regarding the new game you are working on which made me happy. I hope your new game will have the old-school RPG style feeling but still modern at the same time. You must do something unique to stand out from the boring modern RPG games. I wish I could help or give feedback in your game development, but I have no idea what it is, but all I can say now without knowing anything about the game is the MUSIC. If it is a fantasy game, please select the soundtracks carefully.
    Please keep us updated and I would appreciate it if you posted some pictures of the new game or provided some information for the fans. any specific date for the release?
    Again, thank you for your old game book of eschalon and the new upcoming game 😉

    Love you Basilisk Games team

    Your loyal fan from Kuwait

  5. Max Tier
    | Reply

    Yooooooooo, Cuz! Looking for some mentors to guide my son in game development! Miss you!

  6. Fran
    | Reply

    Glad you’re still kicking. I’ve played your games when I was a kid religiously and it was the best RPG I have ever experienced. Now I’m almost finished with college aiming to become a game dev thanks to you guys. I have always considered the Eschalon Book series to be my number one inspiration for pursuing game development. Looking forward to what you have in the oven soon.

  7. Maalkavian
    | Reply

    Looking forward. Your Eschalon Book games were all really great and if I were one of those big company managers I would hire your team.

  8. Denis Kotov
    | Reply

    Heyy, thx for you work. looking forward to see your new kid, haha. good luck and don’t forget about work/life balance!<3

  9. Oszkár
    | Reply

    I was scared that you had stopped game development for good. I’m glad to see that for the first time in years you finally have some fresh news on your website! Looking forward to your next games! Go for it guys! 🙂

  10. dzelziic
    | Reply

    Good luck to u all from Basilisk Games ! 🙂
    Your Eschalon Book game series are gems and I look forward to yet another masterpiece.

    • Tylerryan79
      | Reply

      I can’t wait for news of the new game. I hope I spent as many hours rolling stats as I did in the other games!! I need to replay the games again, it’s been so long and I honestly forget 99% of everything. It will be fun relearning the basics, and rolling those dice!

      I honestly have no idea where my original keys are, but I so have a saved email from you from many years ago about that. Back when I last had the itch to play. I might rebuy the games since they’re cheaper now, and you guys are the only ones I ever feel compelled to help in that way!!

      For anyone who reads this in the future, what would be the preferred order of platform to buy the games off of for you guys? I assume directly is #1, but then after that?

  11. WumpaFruit
    | Reply

    Take ALL the time you guys/gals need! Please don’t feel the need to rush out a product just because…!
    As long as y’all are still active and together as awhole (company), I”ll be a happy camper!

  12. Nando
    | Reply

    Hey there, nice to see you guys still active!

  13. Flo
    | Reply

    So glad you guys are still around. Every Eschalon Game is sheer genius and I can’t wait for your next game. Keep it up! Greetings from Germany

  14. John Nixon
    | Reply

    Ok I’m going to play through all three books as pure mage. I’ll try to be very thorough and take my time. Hopefully by the time I finish you guys will have a purposed release date for the next game. I am verry excited about this whole scyfi turned based rpg (aka Eschalon in Space)

  15. Bennoni
    | Reply

    Just wanted to drop a big like for Basilisk.
    I found out about Eschalon recently on some RPG-Youtube-channel and since Book 1 was free I gave it a try. Thank god. If it would’ve cost a few bucks I would be like “hm no, I bought so many games I never touch or get into fully”. In hindsight though it’s value is very high and I did not hestitate to purchase 2 and 3. That was gaming as it should be and used to be, it brought many new things to (my) the table which will surely have lasting impressions on me. In short, I’m inspired.

    Needless to say I’ll keep an eye on you and future releases!
    Greetings from Austria

  16. Persian magi
    | Reply

    Wish I see that new game , before I die. Stand much…

  17. John Nixon
    | Reply

    After playing Starfield it got me thinking of the scifi game you guys are working on. So… How’s it coming along?? 🙂

  18. Paulo Bologna
    | Reply

    I’m really looking forward your next game! Eschalon series is an ABSOLUTE CLASSIC, it’s amazing!!! PLEASE, more “Eschalon-esque” games from Basilisk! My full support to you guys, I’ll certainly buy your next game without a second thought. Greetings from Brazil!

  19. Alex
    | Reply

    Love all your games! May you prosper and make even more epic adventures for us!

  20. Quaan
    | Reply

    I was thinking about buying A Quest That Became Legend but i wait for the new Basilisk game instead.

  21. Cirus Vindica
    | Reply

    Basilisk Games – “Mahul-Zarim-Gamil, will echelon books 4,5,6 ???” plz….

  22. Matthew Whetstone
    | Reply

    Hello Basilisk Games Team

    I’m Matthew from Toon Boom, my passion for video games spans from the iconic Legend of Zelda on NES to the immersive world Baldur’s Gate 3!

    Toon Boom has reintroduced its animation software, Harmony, tailored specifically for game development studios. I am excited to show its capabilities to your team, through a live demonstration. Our presentation will be led by an industry veteran, and we’ll follow up with a Q&A session to address any inquiries you may have.

    I would like to invite you to join us for an insightful exploration of Harmony’s potential for your games, when can we set up a demo?

    Matthew Whetstone
    New Business Development – Gaming toonboom.com
    Mwhetstone@toonboom.com |
    Office +1-514-278-8666 x 6501
    Cell: +1-514-688-628

  23. Tomarook
    | Reply

    Excited to hear the announcement. I am a big fan of Eschalon 🙂

  24. Vaidelis
    | Reply

    The best freaking storyline in the entire universe of ours. Completed Eschalon series several times, first time playing being very young only at the age of 8-10. Now Im 22, its January of 2024. I just chose to stay on Erubor’s side. I love this simple game, it is so engaging, so philosophical and actually deep. This game is so old and primitive, yet so fascinating. Since i first time completed the series, i literally was looking for Eschalon Book 4 for years and years and years until today. In 2023 when i saw the latest post of Basilisk games about their new game i was really surprised and delighted. However, as i mentioned, its 2024-01-31 today but yet I can not see anything new from them and that makes me bit sad. Guys do you know that weird feeling of life seeming unrealistic and weird after you watch a long and very engaging, emotional movie ? I felt the same in the end of every chapter of this game. For prosperity of Eschalon forever brothers!

  25. dworg
    | Reply

    Any ETA for new game announcement?

    • Basilisk Games
      | Reply

      We will have a small announcement this summer.

      • Moni
        | Reply

        I could really like to have a great classic RPG game 🙂

      • Ii3zz
        | Reply

        you have like 1 month left of summer

  26. Jarren
    | Reply

    Is the summer announcement gonna be Eschalon Book 4? When this summer do you think we’ll get it?

  27. Jarren
    | Reply

    If it is book 4 it’s probably gonna be focused on Barrea, The Midlands, and Western Thaeramore.

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