Thanks for all the email, Facebook and Twitter “update requests” you people send us; we see them, but we rarely give individual responses to each request. We’re sorry for being quiet for so long.
Our current game-in-development (the sci-fi RPG) has been coming along very well. The game world continues to grow. The rules system continues to get tweaked. The few people who have been lucky enough to see the game have given us overwhelmingly positive feedback, which makes us feel good. We are working overtime to get the game to a publicly-presentable state.
Unlike the Eschalon series, which we showed off from the very beginning with alpha screenshots and gameplay descriptions, this current game is being built in total secrecy until it is ready for a proper announcement to be made. The game has enough unique features that we don’t want to show off too early for fear of elements changing before release, or even our ideas being sniped.
As soon as we are ready to announce the game, we’ll give everyone a heads-up that it’s coming so you can be the first to see the gameplay trailer and screenshots. However, please be patient! I promise, we more restless to show off our game than you can imagine, but there’s still a lot of work to do. In the meantime, stop by our forums and let us know what you’re currently playing!
<3 take your time & make something great!
I’m a huge fan of your games, and couldn’t be more excited that you’re making a sci-fi game. The atmosphere, writing, and game mechanics of the Eschalon series are excellent.
Basilisk Games
@Charles- Thank you! Our next game uses a full 3D engine, so content creation is going much more slowly that it did for our previous sprite-based isometric engine. But we’re working as hard as we can!
Mr. Chips
Hip Hip Hooray, Basilisk! Can’t wait!
Thomas Knapp
What are the chances you guys need testers for the game? I would gladly do it 🙂
So far only have played eschalon book 1 and it was great 🙂
It’s been a year… any chance on a update?
Basilisk Games
We’re still here, John! It’s been a long road towards our next game, but the studio is still very busy everyday. Hopefully we’ll have an announcement very soon!