Email problems
It turns out that our MX records have been jacked up for a few weeks, and our email has been sporadic. We just discovered a cache of 100+ emails that were never delivered, sitting over on our host’s server.
So, if you’ve tried to contact us in the last 3-4 weeks and never got a response, or worse, got back an error suggesting the Basilisk Lair may have been bulldozed, try sending your message again.
[edit] Should be fixed now (5:30pm EST)Update – What’s been happening in The Lair?
A short update about what’s been going on here in The Basilisk Lair – check it out on the forums:
Eschalon: Book I is 10 years old, and now FREE!
2017 marks the 10th anniversary* of the release of Eschalon: Book I, and to celebrate we are giving it away! Yep, it’s free, now and forever! You can download the full, pre-registered copy here or through GoG or Steam**. As if this cake needed any more frosting, Book II and Book III have been reduced in price, too.
Thanks for 10 great years! It’s been an awesome adventure, and we are looking forward to what the next 10 years brings.
* Technically, Book I was released in November 2007, but we wanted to celebrate now.
** As of this writing, Steam was having trouble digesting the new prices (FREE?!? Have you gone mad?!?). It may be a day or so before you see those prices change.
Art of the Matter interview
Basilisk Games founder Thomas Riegsecker talks a bit about game design in the latest edition of WFYI Art of the Matter.
Hard at work…
We’re getting emails asking us for an update. There’s not much to tell – last September we announced that we had finished the design doc for our next RPG, a yet-to-be-named Sci-fi game. The phase we’re in now is building, building, building: a new game engine, a world to explore, and countless items to pick up and use. We don’t have anything to show off… yet. We’ll likely be pretty quiet for most of 2016 as we lock ourselves away in the studio and make magic.
More to come. Stay tuned!
The Steam Holiday sale is on!
Get the whole trilogy for the lowest price of the year!
Download links fixed
Due to us updating the website earlier this year, some server path changes, and a host no longer carrying our files, some of the download links were broken. Sorry about that! All fixed now.
A small update…
After a many years, dozens of revisions and tech tests, we have finalized the design doc and storyline for our next RPG. Yes, it is Sci-Fi. We are nowhere near ready to show off anything, so don’t get too excited- we just wanted to let everyone know that we’re still alive and that progress on the next game is being made!
Interview with Basilisk Games founder Thomas Riegsecker
A local community newspaper out of Brooklyn recently talked with Basilisk Games founder Thomas Riegsecker regarding game development and the state of the industry. You can check it out here:
Website Update
Wow, great responses on our previous poll! Thanks to everyone who voted and commented.
We’ve fixed some scaling issues with our website- some people on mobile devices and narrow browsers had a lot of trouble seeing page content. Let us know if it works better for you now.